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Sky's pov:



"That's it, almost there now."

"It hurts. I don't think I can do this."

"Yes, you can. Now, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. It will help."

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can. Come on, give me one more strong push." Mason says.

I give one more hard push and hear my baby give out a little scream as they come into this world.

"Congratulations. You are now a mother to a little girl." Mason tells me as he places my baby girl on my chest.

As soon as she is on me, her screams stop and she opens her eyes and I'm in love. She looks exactly like me, but she has his eyes. She's perfect.

"What's her name?" Mason asks me.

"I want him to choose her name." I tell him and he nods in understanding.

"You ready?" He asks me.

"Yeah, let's do this." I say.


"So you are telling me that there were some complications when my mate was giving birth and that my daughter has to stay with my mate so that she strengthens up. If she doesn't they both may die. Am I correct?" Drevon asks Mason as they stand outside my room.

"Yes, you are correct, Alpha." I hear Mason respond.

'Oh, please accept this excuse, otherwise, our plan is ruined and we did not just spend the past couple of hours making up fake test results for this to not work.'

I pretend to sleep with my baby girl in the cot right next to me and my hand is placed on her stomach, making sure I know exactly where she is.

"Then make sure they are never separated, and that both of them are checked over, to make sure that there are no more complications or problems that may appear in the future." Drevon states in a threatening voice.

"Will do, Alpha." Mason responds and then I hear footsteps walking away and someone coming into the room.

I hear the knock pattern on the wall that me and Mason made up together, and open my eyes.

"So, step one of the plan is done, now I guess we go on to step two." Mason says, with a smile on his face.

"Yep. Now we move on to step two." I say as I sit up and get ready.

"Time to get your mate and the others free from this crazy bastard. I've missed my mate too much to wait any longer."


Let me know what you think.


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