Chapter 11-Timeskip 2, the real one

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Ash Pov:

Things have been weird lately, all this going back to school business. Superpowers we now call quirks, the weirdest part though Is how the fuck do Goh and Koharu not realise their feelings for eachother.

Its been so many years now those guys are crazy for eachother. I havent said much since it isnt really my place to interfere but.........I sighed, I really dont wanna be like those internet shippers who pair everything and everyone but i just cant help feeling sad when seeing my two closest friends being so, well......oblivious.

Today is the first day of school In a long time. Ive enrolled in the hero course since its way easier in my opinion, Like sure i still gotta study but at least I wont have like a hundred complicated subjects.

Not to say I cant handle too much pressure though, Ive found myself learning a lot about the world through field research these recent years and I dont think im neccessarily dumb.

I feel like ive been developing attitude problems lately but-OH CRAP, Im gonna be late, Oh no oh no oh no pofessor oak might make me stay during lunch (at least thats what he said) ,no no no I cant go on without lunch! Ill continue the stupid monologue later i gotta hurry!

Panicking, I left the room to wake up Goh and Koharu, I personally dont really need time to get to School and neither does but the problem is they both always wake up late which is probably the thing thats gonna make us late.

"Both of you wake up Were gonna be late for our first day!",

A few years ago Koharu decided she wanted to stay with us at the lab, the professor didnt mind so now she stays with us in our room.

"Relax Ash We'll be fine, you guys are really fast we'll get there fine", Koharu said drowsily. She does realise Im the one who has to fucking carry her right?

Both me and Goh have developed a good amount of resistance to air pressure but she doesnt so i have to use ender particles to shield her from having her skip ripped apart which makes me much slower, people are gonna get the wrong idea. Shes like a sister to me but not everyone knows that, well....not like everyones gonna know who i am anyways If i do a full transformation, Which may or may not change in school.

While they both got ready I texted Dawn to let her know why im gonna be carrying Koharu sonshe doesnt get the wrong idea, I dunno what I'd do if I ever lost Dawn, shes become part of the source of my happiness at this point, is that unhealthy? Maybe, I should try to tone it Down a bit, I love her but I gotta respect boundaries y'know? She just sent me a reply Of her face with the caption 'ok'. I can just feel my heart melting man.

Thinking of Dawn made me feel at peace, as if the chaotic morning had never happened, the panic had washed away and replaced by a mellow feeling, the thought this is gonna be my daily life from now on made me scared but also felt comforting.

Everyday with people close to me, Going to school, Having adventures, laughing and complaining about simple things, It made me excited.

Goh's Pov:
"Well someones happy", I chuckled at Ash,

"Ahh shut up man", He smiled back. Something felt, different about him, must be thinking of Dawn again, Im kinda jealous of them. I hope i find someone one day, someone like Koharu maybe.

Ash then took a deep breath

"Im just thinking, This is gonna be our daily morning from now on".

That hit me hard for some reason, maybe its his tone. The bird pokemon were singing.

"Weird huh?", I replied.

"Alright!we better get going", Koharu said in an excited voice.
She really has grown a lot in these 5 years.

We headed outside and ash picked Koharu up after full transforming.
When he first awakened his quirk he was really really tall but over time he learnt to control his size, He felt it was too creepy for a hero.

We both then headed to school, didnt take us more than a minute really despite the school being halfway across the city, I still havent gotten used to switching between high magnetic forces yet.

If i went any faster i would have hit the wall, Luckily at this speed I could easily turn it off at the proper time.

There was still 5 minutes left before class as we walked in.

"Hey, Been a while"...............

A/N:I know this seems like a perfect ending but please stick around more i got a lotta stuff planned, Not stuff that is gonna just trigger you and just makes you sad but there may or not may not be drama ;) 
That'll make the story more fun to read and simply make you wanna read more, at least thats my goal anyways. I never really liked stories that used negative emotions to keep your attention.

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