Chapter 9- Timeskip 1

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Again keep commenting the more y'all comment the more I can write.

Ash Pov:
Its been about 3 years since I confessed to Dawn,

Dawn won a grand festival last year as well......after that she was confused for  a bit, she tried really hard to hide it but I knew she was confused when I met her again after that, she told me about it and I could understand a bit, we had fun and went on another journey together

And even though we went our separate ways later to find new adventures We've been talking through our rotom phones and sometimes when we're close by we meet up again, It's been great

sometimes I go back to Professor Sititsus lab when I'm going back home after an adventure but then me and Goh end up going on some adventures by ourselves, Koharu sometimes tags along with us too

Goh Pov:

I cant beleive its already been 3 years since I met Ash on Lugias back, So many things changed but also at the same time stayed the same.

Ash is still childish and hyperactive but he's a little smarter now, he still gets crazy over pokemon but understands things better, especially when It's related to pokemon

Ash Pov:

I'm gonna go visit Brock and Misty today, we're thinking of going on another adventure together

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