Chapter 10.5-Timeskip 2?

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So Uhh, I competely forgot this thing existed, Im still gonna continue it tho but its gonna be a while between updates

Its hard to put it all into words because i subconciously visualise all of it but im still gonna try.

As it stands its been 2 years since the last chapter, a new law has been implemented which requires all pokemon trainers over age 15 to have to return to school where they will study 3 years. This is due to education being deemed more important but also the fact that people with supernatural or unusual abilities have been popping up lately (fuck it im doing this), Kanto has quickly adjusted to them quickly as the rest the world follows.

Schools have opened up a course for Kids with quirks (yes im going with that name) by which they mean the kids are basically studying to be enforcers of the law but they just decided to call them heroes instead of police since it was easier for people to feel safe when someone with the title of a literal hero came along , also it sounded cooler.

Ashs quirk:Enderman

He can become an enderman. Pretty simple, He becomes fast and strong with long arms and thin, pointy, long fingers, he can also produce and control ender particles which can do good damage if he hurls them. He cant teleport though because regular endermen cant do that either, Its a huge misconception but if you go frame by frame you'll see endermen are just so fast that they look like they teleport. For non minecraft fans, here, good? aight

Gohs quirk is magnetism , He can make any two things act like extremely strong magnets, This includes his own body, He uses this pretty well by making His own fists and the oponents body magnetic and then reversing the effect, By quickly switching between on and off he can pull off some amazing feats. Or he can just push them away like a badass by just walking over to them, the point is hes very strong, but people can counter him if theyre strong enough themselves and he also needs really fast reaction times to maximise its use so he still has space to grow (enter Ash, etc. you get the point)

Koharus quirk is medic: She can cure anything, anything. Yes, Her blood has been used to cure previously incurable diseases and though if used cleverly her quirk can make her a hero she chose not to, Instead opting for a more traditional education.

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