Chapter 8- Cleared up.

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A/N: Hey i just wanna ask you guys to keep commenting , your thoughts on certain things, How a certain line made you feel, any kind of criticism, its all welcome.

Im already enjoying writing this book, I just finished chapter 11 actually but your comments still make me very happy, cheers.

Narrator Pov:

Koharu and Ash both met up where they agreed upon.

"So uh.......", Koharu stuttered.

"Im sorry but", Ash tried to start.

"Wait what?",

"I dont like you in that sense",

"I was gonna say the same thing, Goh told me you- oh wait I see whats happened here",

"he set us up didnt he?"

Ash got a ping from his phone, It was a text from Goh

Sorry man but this was a misunderstanding you needed to clear on your own.

"Well at least we got something out of this", Ash said.

"What do you mean?",

"a common enemy",

Koharu laughed a bit,
'he's not a bad guy to be around', she thought to herself.

'I never tried to get to know him before because he was really loud all the time and im not good at socialising anyways but maybe we can become friends'.

She then remembered Dawn was leaving today .

"You still havent answered me about Dawn you know".

Ash Pov:

I hadnt spoken to Dawn for a while, I was kinda embarrassed to be honest.

"Yeah I like her",

"Do you mean like like her or-", Koharu began but i cut her off


"Well then what are you waiting for", Koharu raised her voice a bit, not enough to be rude but still enough to show she was serious.

"Dawn leaves today, you gotta tell her",

"Yeah i guess so",

After i said that I nodded and left. Dawn was standing in front of the lab gate with a bag and Piplup beside her.

"Hey", I aproached her

"Youre leaving today huh?",

"Yep, Im leaving today, this past week with you was really fun Ash, Thank you",

"Youre welcome", I said

Dawn then turned around and was about to leave.

Just then, my mouth moved on its own


She turned back around to look at me. What Goh said to me the last time we spoke echoed in my head.

"I love you",

she almost cried once i said that

"I love you too",

I then leaned in and gave her a kiss. when we seperated I saw the most blissful smile I had ever seen.

Piplup stared in shock until dawn broke the silence

"well then, see ya", she said in a cheery tone

"Yeah, see you soon",

Dawn turned around and walked away, though it was sad to see her say goodbye I knew I'd see her again soon.

Also she gave me her rotom code.

A/N: hello everyone, thanks for reading this far , This is not the end of the Book, I repeat, THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE BOOK. 

I still have a lot more things planned for this book including a few timeskips and a high school setting that'll most likely come in the second timeskip.

like ive mentioned before Ive been thinking out this storyline for years now and while it is kinda hard to work around some of the embarassing stuff i still have a lot more in store so please stick around.

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