Chapter 15

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Alex stared wide-eyed at the figure strapped onto some sort of metal table, sitting in a strange circle-shaped room, Bucky looking back at her with a similar expression. 

"Oh my god you actually found me," Bucky sighed with relief, "I was starting to think I would be stuck here forever-" 

"-Wait.. How long have you been here for?" Alex asked first. 

"Only a couple days, I think. Well, I woke up here yesterday, but I started looking for you a while ago." Bucky stated.

Alex just stared blankly at Bucky. She didn't really expect Bucky to find her, because even if they did manage to find the location of the red room, it was a miracle he wasn't killed before he even got into the academy. Alex recalls the text she sent to him all those weeks ago, probably the thing that Bucky used to find her. Or was it months ago? She couldn't remember really, her mind was so clouded with everything that was happening.

"Alex?" Bucky asked, noticing she zoned out a bit.

"Oh- sorry. Uh, why can't you just get out? You don't have that vibranium arm for display you know-" Alex said cockily to lighten the mood. 

"I'm trapped in vibranium too, and my arm just feels a bit weak, I don't know why."

"They probably drugged you, that's why." Alex replied, while bending down to where Bucky was strapped to find a way to get him out.

"So.. how're you going?" Bucky says, trying to make small talk, earning an unimpressed glare from Alex as she continues to try and find a way to break Bucky free.

"You're really asking me that now? Here? Of all places." Bucky could just hear the annoyance in her voice, it as quite laughable. 

Bucky scoffs sarcastically, "Give me a break, I've been trapped here for God knows how long, so please, help me out here."

"Wow James, it's only been a few weeks without me- I- I mean without therapy, and you're already going a bit crazy." Alex remarks sarcastically, but a small grin tugged at her lips as she continued to inspect the state of Bucky's capture. 

"Well Alexandra, I don't appreciate the sarcasm-" Alex cuts him off with a hit to the stomach. 

"We've got more important things to worry about, you of all people should know that!" Alex scolds him, but she was surprised to see Bucky lean his head a little closer to hers.

"And what important things are we talking about?" Bucky replies flirtatiously, a smirk plastered on his face, though it quickly changed into a panicked look as Alex leans her head in too, though the moment was short lived. 

"I dunno, maybe escaping?" She replies snarkily as she pulls her head away instantly, though shoots him a small wink before continuing to try and find a way for him to escape, causing him to get all flustered which amused Alex greatly. 

Though their smiles were instantly wiped off their faces as the sound of the door creaking echoed throughout the room. 

Alex turned around hurriedly, eyes widening as she saw the figure standing upon her.

"Uh, Madame! Heyy, what's up?" She says as casually as she could, though what she thought in her head was not what came out of her mouth. 

"I thought you were smarter than that Alexandra, and yet you fell for this." Madame B replied with a blood-curdling grin. 

"Fell for it?" Alex asked, though it didn't take her long to realise what her teacher was talking about. Of course it was a trap. Alex honestly feels quite stupid. Why would Madame tell her not to go to the north wing unless she wanted her to go? Although Alex wouldn't like to admit it, Madame B probably knew her better than anyone. She had practically raised her, not very well of course, but she's still known her longer than anyone. 

"It's quite stupid, really. Wasn't it obvious, Alexandra. I thought I raised you better than th-"

"You never raised me!" Alex retorted back, interrupting Madame B mid sentence. "You took me. Trained me to kill the people I loved the most! And then took away my one chance of maybe, just maybe, having a normal life. Nothing you ever did was to raise me, it was to use me. You have always been the reason I'm messed up no, anything wrong with me is all because of you."

Madame B just stared, emotionless, back at Alexandra, unbothered. Alex was shocked. She thought that maybe she could feel just the tiniest bit of sympathy, maybe a small part of her would feel bad for what she did. But nothing.

Whereas Bucky was watching from his position on the table intently, his mouth agape. He had never heard Alex speak to anyone that way, and especially not about that. Then he recalled something she said a while ago.

'In the nightmare I- I killed my sister.'

Oh. The nightmare was real. She had killed her sister. Bucky had a newfound hatred he didn't know he could have for anybody, realising how truly vile this women was. 

"I truly don't know what went wrong with you, Alexandra. You were so promising when you were young, but you've become weak." Madame B replies psychotically. 

"No offence, but I think you were the one that went wrong." Alex snapped, finally earning a look of shock from her former teacher. 

"Good one Ally!" Bucky shouts from the back. Alex turned around quickly, her face covered in confusion.

"Ally? Really? You want me to start calling you Buckaroo?" Alex replied, before turning back around.

"I was just trying to support my girl!" He replies again. Alex's eyes widen, and accidentally lets a grin slip through her facade, noticed by Madame B.

"Are you kidding, this guy? Out of all people, Alexandra." Madame replied with a disgusted look aimed at Bucky, earning  very offended look back.

"I mean, look at all this! I would gesture to all of me if my arms weren't strapped in vibranium!-"

"That's enough Mr Barnes, would you like me to sew your mouth shut?" Madame B found amusement in the shake of Bucky's head, now being very quiet. 

Alex found herself almost replying with another snarky comment, but stopped herself in time. She knew Madame B wasn't afraid to go through with her threats. 

Madame B looked quite proud of herself as she knew she'd won. After a moment she snapped her fingers, and two guards came barging in, trapping Alex before she could even react, and shoving her onto a chair.

"What's this meant to be?" Alex said, sitting simply on the chair, but then feels ropes being used to strap her hands around the chair.

"Okay I get it now."

"Guards! Make sure to tie her up very well, she's a tricky one to keep in line." And with a wave of her hand, Madame B struts out the door, leaving the guards to tie her up. She would've tried to fight her way out, but she could see the guns on the guards' vests from a mile away, so she gave in.

What am I going to do now?


Hey guess whos back after a 7 month long hiatus

me haha whatt

Yeah sorry bout that I've just got serious motivation issues BUT I DID IT

also thanks to @lunaeast for helping me with this chapter and basically the rest of the plot, go drop a follow to her

uh yeah so if you're still somehow here I am so sorry, I'll be trying to post more often (but don't get your hopes up)

Vote if you liked this chapter!

Ok thanks bye :)

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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