Chapter 13

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A/N: The parts in bold are in Russian.

"We made it." Bucky breathed.

Bucky and Sam glanced up at the large building before them. It looked something of a castle, hiding in plain sight. The walls stretched upwards, reaching the height of the tall, gloomy trees surrounding it. 
They had been searching for days, throughout the vast forests, until they finally found it. 

"How did we take so long to find it? It's enormous.." Sam remarks, surprised at the sight of the academy standing before him. 

Bucky was still in disbelief. They'd looked for what seemed like forever, in a place that seemed like it went on forever. And they found it.

They found it.

And that also meant another thing.

Bucky found her.

"This is the place, right Buck?" Sam asked, also staring at the structure in disbelief.

"I think so. Let's look around the outside to see if there's anything else." Bucky replied, starting to walk towards the perimeter of the academy. 

Both of the men inspected the outside, looking for anything that could prove they were in the right place. They traced the stone structure, trying to find any windows or doors-

"Bucky, I found something!" Sam shouts, hoping Bucky heard him, which he did, and came running to him immediately.
"Look at this..."

In front of the pair, was a simple door. A pretty big door, actually, but the main point is that it had something on it. A picture. A symbol.

"What is that?.." Bucky asked, confused. It looked like a bright red hourglass. But like, really simplified. Just 2 triangles on top of each other, coloured in a piercing red.

"Wait, I think I've seen that before. It was in the red Room file." Sam says, recalling the interaction back at the compound. 

"So that means-"

"It's the right place, Sam. We did it."


"Are you letting the children slack off, Miss Novikova? I expected better-"

"Of course not, Madame B. I'm just making sure they make it long enough until the final challenge. We can't afford any more losses."

The old woman paused, choosing to consider Alexandra's remark.

"You know what. You're right. So let's move the challenge to tomorrow! Thank you Alexandra.." Madame B says, turning and strutting to her office. 

Alex puts on a brave face, but inside, she's freaking out. Tomorrow. It can't be tomorrow. 
Alex didn't know when Bucky would come. If he came. 

What if he never came at all.

Alex knew that Bucky was aware of the Red Room. He had been here before. But then it hit her.

Did he remember?

Alex remembered distinctly. She was 13, having been in the Red Room for a few years, when a person by the name of the Winter Soldier came into her class. 

"This here, ladies, is the Winter Soldier. You may have heard of him, world renowned assassin... now your new teacher." Said Madame B.
Alex was nervous, to say the least. Assassin? She didn't wan't to be an assassin. She knew that was the whole point of the academy, but she couldn't do it. Not after her sister.

Alexandra was the best student there, also being the student that had been there the longest out of her class. She was basically born into the Red Room. Since she and her sister were both infants. And then they made Alex kill her. Just like that. 

And they didn't have any mercy. Not a single glint of sadness in their eyes as they watched her put the gun to her sisters head. Not a single glint of sadness in their eyes as she pulled the trigger. Not a single glint of sadness in their eyes as her sisters lifeless body layed on the floor of the ballroom. Not a single glint of sadness as Alexandra cries over her sisters body. Alex swore she saw an evil grin sneak onto Madame B's face. 

"Miss Novikova?"

Alex snapped out of her trance, noticing some of her mascara had fallen down her face. Quickly wiping it away, she turns to see her old teacher, Miss Metrova, facing her.

"Oh don't cry, you're weak, Alexandra." Miss Metrova remarks bluntly. 
"The challenge is a vital part of the assessment, you of all people should know that young lady," she continues, "Your poor old sister. You're lucky we didn't kill you when you cried over her body. That's weakness. We can't have weakness, understand?" 

Alex tried to open her mouth, but nothing came out. She was speechless. How could Miss Metrova be so emotionless. After everything she put her through. And although Alex hated to admit it,

Her teachers were right.


"So we just, waltz on in?" Sam asks. 

Bucky sighed. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do now. The door was right there. But it didn't feel right.

"No... we can't just go in. It has to be a trap, right?"

Sam hummed in agreement, knowing Bucky had a point. The door was very... suspicious, to say the least. 

"Do we have any other options though?" Sam says.

"... I guess not. So what are we waiting for?" Bucky says, walking slowly towards the door, Sam following closely behind.

Bucky reached for the door handle, opening it slowly.

"Let's g-" Sam starts, but he doesn't have the time to finish his sentence, as there was someone watching them from the trees. Waiting for the right moment. And they found it.

"Sam? Sam!" Bucky leans down to Sam, pulling a tranquilizer dart from his neck. 

"What the he-"


So I may have taken a "small" hiatus actually ITS BEEN MONTHS IM SORRY LMAO I've been super busy but I finally updated.

I've pretty much planned the rest of this book, but the updates will be sorta slow. I might only update once a week until the holidays, where I might focus on it a bit more. 

Anyways thank you for so many reads while I've been gone I really appreciate it.

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Ok thanks bye :)

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