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In district 10,as soon as school ends children fourteen go to work.My job was cutting marshmallows into shapes and sizes, so I was skilled with a knife, making me have an advantage.I used a butcher knife, chef knife, steak knife, you name it, even balisongs knives.I chopped and sliced for three hours after school, and the owner sometimes set up targets so we could throw the knives.The owner was a lady called Marsha,and she cared for all her workers and I guess she wanted us to have a chance to come back as victor.I was one of the top ones, and   I was practicing on moving targets now.

When I was reaped,Marsha did not see me, but I did see her sobbing and my fellow workers and friends comforting her and some sobbing as well.I knew I had to make her proud and come back, thanks to my skill of throwing blades.

The Bittersweet GamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang