Bonus: New Years Pt 5

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"God he's so hot." I comment keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

"I am never watching anime with you again." Katsuki complains laying next to me, more focused on his phone then the show.

"You're just jealous that Karma is cooler than you." I tease watching the on screen characters try and fail at killing their teacher. Never gets old.

"He's not cooler than me, he's a fucking sadist." Katsuki grumbles clearly upset that I dare called someone cooler than him.

"I don't care if he's insane, he's hot." I state resulting in a long sigh from Katsuki.

"Why are we even watching this aren't we supposed to be with your family or something?" He asks trying to change the subject.

"No tonight's our free night since we spend the whole day together tomorrow. The adults made this so that they could get fucked the night before New Year's Eve. So while we're here they're downstairs doing who knows what." I explain the tradition that's been in place for as long as I can remember.

Katsuki hears the annoyance in my voice and asks, "Y/n do you drink alcohol?"

"No, I hate the taste." I say only skinny the top of the list of reasons.

Sensing that I haven't told him the full truth he continues to question me, "Really? Weird since your whole family does."

Knowing full well he won't let the conversation rest I finally take my eyes off the screen and turn to him, "I guess there's actually a few reasons why. One is that I do really hate the taste. Second is that I'd lose control of my quirk while under the influence and may make people do some very stupid or dangerous things, I myself could also become a danger." Katsuki doesn't take his eyes off me as I explain and knowing I can trust him I take a deep breath before continuing, "And also....I don't want to end up like my mother. Not that she's an alcoholic but her drinking at a young age led to me and Toshi. And that led to her being a young mother who instead of watching her kids would drop us off at one of her friends places and then go out partying and hooking up with random dudes. I gotta say though, it did become quite a fun game trying to catch the men who slept over at our house after a wild night. One time I even found a guy, naked, in my shower. That was funny one, I think I was around 7." I finish my story laughing because it's quite honestly the only way I can tell it without getting angry. Katsuki however isn't laughing or smiling in the least.

Concern is written all over his face as he watches me laugh at my own trauma. Seeing him like this only makes me laugh more, "Guess we had pretty different home life's huh?"

Nothing. Damn, tough crowd.

Katsuki raises his hand and starts to bring it towards my cheek, "Y/n I-"

I dodge his hand though turning back to the screen, "Oh look Karmas back on the screen!"


"Hush Katsu! Karmas about to do something badass, let's just watch the show......please."

From the corner of my eye I see Katsuki stare at me and his features soften a little as he falls back on his pillow to continue watching, "Yeah, alright."

And so then as tears fell from eyes onto the blanket Katsuki and I watched the remainder of Assassination Classroom silently. Thank you Katsuki, for understanding.


"Big sis! Big sis!" Eri comes bursting my room making both me and Katsuki jump up from the bed.

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