Y/n's profile

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Name: Y/n Yagi

Gender: Male

Age: 16 (The story takes place at the day where class 1-A is introduced)

Parents: Dad: Toshinori Yagi / Mom: ???

Quirk: False one for all

This was a result of genetics! It not the real one for all but it acts mostly like one for all apart from yours is (Desired colour) and Midoriya's is green and with the exception of the previous one for all users (I know the colour doesn't have anything to do with the quirk it's just a design thing but I just thought I'd let you choose the colour!)

(You can use 100% already)

Weakness: Unlike the real one for all! It can be stolen! Oh and it can't be pasted along... but that obvious! Plus no help from other people inside you because you have no-one inside you!

Second quirk: Forcefield

This allows you to create a forcefield of energy in whatever shape you want

Weakness: You can only use it for yourself and it can only stop a certain amount force before breaking plus you can only keep it on for 2 hours before it automatically deactivates (You can acme it more by training it but you think that 2hrs is enough so you don't train it)

Looks: (You don't have to look like this it's just for people who want a image in there heads)


(Don't ask me why it's not blonde!)

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(Don't ask me why it's not blonde!)

(If I must answer that. I'll just go with Thats your mom's hair colour and eye colour)

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