24. The Raven

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I went outside and took my cellphone out of my pocket. It felt like ages since I'd used it. The screen saver was still the image of a selfie I took so many years ago. That version of myself didn't resemble me anymore. I dialed Mason's number and he answered on the third ring. "Did you find them all?" I asked.

"Yes. They agreed to help us."

"How long have you known the truth about my father?" I pulled the handle on my car. Wow. Sophia had kept the interior cleaner than I ever did. The keys were in the ignition. I turned the key and the engine roared to life. I pulled out of the driveway.

"I knew since the first time I saw you. You look just like him. I'm sorry I never told you."

"Don't worry about it. I don't really care. We can talk about that later. I'm on my way to your house. The war isn't about the outcasts at all." Tears welled up in my eyes, and I was soon blinded by them. I wiped my eyes but that did little to help my blurred vision. "I don't want to die, Mason. I don't want to go to Hell forever."

"You won't. We are leaving right now. We'll be at my house before you get there."

"Will you do something for me?"

He hesitated. "Will I regret it if I say anything?"

I came to a stop sign and eased down on the break. About a hundred yards in front of me, smoke rose up out of the ground. It got thicker as the seconds ticked by. The pavement soon gave way, and a huge circled portion of it fell away. A huge black raven soared out of the ground and landed a few feet away from my car. Then he shifted into his beautiful human form.

"I want you to love Skylar for me. You, Shane, Michel, Chase, Scott, Dawn, Mom, Dad; all of your family. Love him and keep him out of harms way. Remind him of me too, okay?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't you do that for Skylar?"

I gulped. "I can't because your dad is here."


I fought to keep my sobs under control. "I'm going to die, Mason. My grandfather is here to take me to Hell." I threw the phone in the passenger seat and laid my head on the steering wheel and sobbed. This was it. The moment I'd spent my whole life dreading had now become my reality. There was no more time for prayer. A church wouldn't even be able to protect me; besides, it was too far away.

I composed myself, got out of the car, and slowly walked towards the devil. "You are my grandfather," I said accusingly.

"That is correct. I am your grandfather." He grinned slightly. "And you are the mother of my son. I want him."

I shook my head. "No. I know you love him and want him to go with you, but he's staying with me."

Lucifer's smile faded. "Then I'll take a much bigger prize." He disappeared, and I flinched when I saw him perched on the hood of my car. "There is something else I want." His grin returned.

"Why—why do you want me?" I whispered.

"Well, when you were a baby I was going to raise you to be like me. You would have had power and would have been a fierce leader. Now, though, you are a teenager. Half woman, yet still very young." He clicked his tongue. "I have decided that you will be my new source of entertainment. Forever, or until I get bored, you shall be nailed to a burning cross. Oh, what joy fresh screams will be every precious moment. The demons will enjoy putting forth their tortures on you."

"Please, Grandfather—don't."

"I let you live, so your parents chose a name in your honor, Miss Olive."

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