3. The Festival

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I fantasized about the kiss for the rest of the day. I could barely concentrate in any of my classes; all I wanted to do was daydream. Plus, I was starving, and everyone knew that it was hard to focus on an empty stomach. Not to mention that it was hard enough trying to focus on math without something else getting in the way. My last two classes dragged by. I glanced at the clock periodically, hoping the last minute wasn't too far away. My hopes were crushed each time; only a minute had passed from the previous glance.

After what seemed like a small eternity, the final bell rung. I rushed outside and jogged up the bus steps and slid into the first available seat. I stared out the window and watched the world go by as we began the route home. My bed was calling from a distance, and I knew that as soon as I laid down I'd fall asleep and see the boy again.

I hadn't made my bed this morning. I pulled back the comforter and nestled underneath it. I closed my eyes and relaxed, and it wasn't long until I was asleep and my dream took over. My bedroom morphed into the familiar setting, and I found myself on the boy's bed. His mattress was as soft as a marshmallow. I blinked a couple of times to reassure myself that I wouldn't wake up anytime soon, and I smiled, satisfied.

He sat at the foot of his bed. My eyes trailed up to his tv and I watched as he played a video game. Whether he was racing someone or running from the cops, I didn't know. The volume was muted so I couldn't hear anything, but as he sped around the corner of a building I saw flashing lights and a bunch of policemen run towards him with pointed guns.

He muttered something under his breath and slammed the controller down on the floor.

I crawled over to him and laid my head on his shoulder. "It's okay," I murmured.

He turned his head slightly and grinned his crooked grin. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty," he said.

Suddenly his body shifted, and he was beside me in an instant. He whispered, "What do you want to do?" His lips grazed my ear, and his thumb traced circles on the palm of my hand. Goosebumps rose on my arms. A chill ran through me and I shivered slightly, but I wasn't cold.

It wasn't till then that I realized I was no longer wearing the same clothes as before. These weren't even mine or, at least, weren't something I currently owned.

I closed my eyes as his lips brushed against mine...

Knock! Knock!

I sat up and looked around, gasping. I was alone in my room. My dream was over. Sometimes I feared that when I awoke from my dream it would never come back. Deep down, I knew that would happen one day, but I hoped it wouldn't be any time soon because I didn't want the boy to disappear with it.

Whoever was at the door knocked again.

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Avril," Dad said. "It's six o'clock. Do you want me to drive you to the festival?" he asked.

Shoot. I had forgot about the festival. Too caught up in my imagination, I guessed. At least this wasn't a first. It's typical of me to imagine what my life could be like instead of living it. For instance, Dawn planned on introducing me to a guy tonight whilst I busied myself imagining a fantastical guy, whom didn't exist, falling head over heels for me.

It was a good thing that Dad remembered the festival. If it wasn't for him, I would have slept through the night and blown this opportunity. A part of me felt bad for snapping at him, but he understood. I was a teenage girl who often had uncommon mood swings that were probably due to PMS or some other kind of female hormone.

"Yeah. I'll be outside in a minute."

I jumped up and ignored making my bed look presentable. I didn't have time to waste. I hurried to the bathroom and inspected my teeth then dabbed on a little more makeup. I grabbed my phone as I made my way out the door. Apart from texting my friends, it was my ticket home.

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