7. Friend or Foe

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"You never told me what happened Saturday after I left. Did you and Mason stay out all night? I bet ya had to sneak in. Did ya climb through your window, or do your parents leave the doors unlocked at night? Oh duh, you have a key. I knew that. What did ya think of him, by the way? Was he anything like you expected, or better?"

Dawn dribbled the basketball twice then tossed it in the net. She ran and caught the rebound and passed it to me. I thought of a response as I made my shot. I couldn't tell her the truth. She wouldn't believe me. Besides, I was sure that Mason and his brothers didn't want me to expose them for what they really were.

I passed the ball to the next person in line and replied, "Honestly, we didn't do that much. We just went to his house and hung out with his friends."

"Who were they?" she asked.

"Oh, um, you know. Just the average guys every eighteen-year-old hangs out with." Definitely not.

"Were they as cute as him?"

I closed my eyes and gave myself a mental slap. I shouldn't have brought them up. Dawn was the most boy-crazy person I knew. But I couldn't change the subject now. She'd know something was up.

I bit my lip. "Somewhat."

She nudged my shoulder. "No details? Come on, Av. You owe me big time. All I want is a few details of your night. That's all. So, spill."

I sighed. "Won't Hunter get jealous?"

She rolled her eyes. "Like he'd care. To be honest, I don't think things between us are working out. He's always blowing me off and never wants us to do anything together. Like last night.; I went over to watch a movie with him and he locked me out."

"Did you consider that he may have had plans? He could have had to go to town to pick up some stuff."

"No. He was there. His car was in the driveway in the midst of about a dozen other cars. Music was blaring, and I could hear people hollerin' like crazy. Guess who else was there?"

I shrugged.

"Ruth Sandusky."

No. "You seriously think he's cheating on you with—?"

"Yep. The little red she-devil herself. That's why I need details. I need someone to help me blow off some steam."

Coach Gardner blew her whistle, and everyone headed towards the locker room. Dawn and I hung back a few moments. The basketballs rolled across the court, and one bounced against my shoe. I kicked it away.

"Sorry, Dawn, but you wouldn't be interested in his friends. They are way older than us. The oldest is, like, forty or something. I'm not really sure. They wouldn't tell me."

Her phone vibrated, and she pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. "Speak of the devil...," she muttered.

"Who is it?" I peeked over her shoulder, but she put the device away before I could see what it said.

She backed towards the exit. "Sorry. I have to go. I can't explain it now but trust me when I say that I have to go." She turned and disappeared out the door before I could respond.

"What's her problem?"

I turned and saw Danielle Pierce, a junior, staring at the door. She shifted her gaze to me and smirked. "Doesn't she know she will be in trouble for cutting class?"

I frowned. Of all the people who saw Dawn leave, Danielle was the only one I knew that would tell on her. She and Dawn had never liked each other. Every time Dawn tried to talk to her in elementary school, Dani turned and ran the other way like a dog with its tail between its legs. However, she'd always been on the scene to catch Dawn doing something wrong so she could rat her out.

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