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I was ready to end the story so I gave it a redundant twist because I couldn't bring myself to make it sad. Hope you still enjoy.

Ben sat in his car outside of station 19, it was his first time back at the station and he was feeling nervous. Ben's phone rang and he quickly answered, "Hey Miranda," Ben said plainly.

"Hey Ben, are you okay baby?" Miranda asked.

"Yeah....I'm just sitting outside of the station," Ben replied.

"Don't be nervous baby, they're your family and will be glad to have you back in any role until you can start PRT again," Miranda told him.

"You always seem to know when I need you," Ben said to Miranda.

"Well that is my job as your wife Benjamin Warren," Miranda boasted.

"I wish you were here so I could kiss you," Ben replied.

"You could if you opened your door Ben Warren," Miranda responded.

Ben turned to see his wife and he quickly opened the door and pulled her to him. He kissed her gently and sweetly then laid his forehead against hers.

"I thought that you had surgeries all morning," Ben said holding her waist.

"I might have only said that to surprise you. Come on let's go inside Ben Warren," Miranda said as she held his hand and they walked into the station.

When Ben walked inside and he was startled, "Welcome Back!" everyone screamed. There were balloons, a welcome back Warren sign, food and a cake.

Ben turned and looked at his wife grinning from ear to ear. "You had something to do with this didn't you," Ben inquired as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply.

"Woooo," the team cheered.

"Okay love birds, stop sucking face because I've been eyeing this cake all morning," Miller announced.

Miranda rolled her eyes as they all laughed at Miller's statement.


Miranda came and stood behind Ben in their full length mirror as he got dressed in his uniform.

"You look so handsome in your uniform Dr. Warren," Miranda complimented as she rubbed her hand across his back.

"Thank you chief Bailey," Ben answered.

"You excited to be able to be back at the station," Miranda asked.

"Yeah, I really am even though I'm on desk duty," Ben replied.

"Well at least you can do inventory for PRT  and keep stuff clean," Miranda said sheepishly trying to convince him it won't be so bad.

He just looked at her before chuckling and she handed him his cane. They walked out the door together and kissed before getting into their cars and going their separate ways.

When Ben stepped into the station the crew were all there waiting for him and clapping when he walked in.

"Warren we are so proud of you and honored to call you one of us. You risked your life, almost lost it and recovered. Now you're back and we're so glad that you are," Maya announced.

"Yep and now sit your crippled ass down at that desk and answer all the phone calls," Miller said blankly as he walked up to Ben and gave him a hug.

"Just like you Miller to not spare my feelings," Ben said chuckling.

"Thank you everyone for sticking by me and just being a great team....I'm glad to be back," Ben said.

"Alright, everyone get back to your chores," Maya commanded.

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