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Ben sat in bed watching sports on tv and waiting for his physical therapist to arrive. He and Miranda decided to let physical therapy start at home and once he was stronger his appointments would be at the hospital.

Miranda rearranged her schedule so that she could be at home more with Ben.She really didn't want to hire a home health aide to take care of her husband, she wanted to do it herself.

Miranda went into the kitchen and made Ben breakfast before taking Tuck to school. She fixed some bacon, eggs and fried potatoes and apple juice to drink.

She placed it on a serving tray and walked back to their bedroom excited. Ben hadn't really had a good meal that wasn't hospital food so he probably wouldn't waste anytime eating.

"Ben, I made you some breakfast," Miranda announced sweetly as she walked in the room.
Ben continued to just stare at the tv as if he didn't hear Miranda speaking to him. Miranda just shrugged it off, grabbed her shoes and walked out of the bedroom.

"TUCK," Miranda called up the stairs to her 14 year old.

"I'm coming mom," Tuck responded back.
Miranda put on her shoes and grabbed her purse as she watched her teen come down the stairs and he walked up to her and gave her a kiss.

"Go say goodbye to Dad before we go," Miranda instructed.

Tuck turned and walked down the hallway into his parents room. Ben looked away from the tv at Tuck and smiled slightly.

Hey dad, mom told me to come tell you bye," Tuck said looking at the breakfast Ben hadn't touched yet.

"Are you going to eat the breakfast that mom made for you?" Tuck asked in an investigative manner. 

"Yeah I will Tuck, I'm just not hungry at the moment," Ben answered plainly.

"TUCK," Miranda called from the foyer.

"We'll see you later dad, and make sure you eat or mom isn't going to be happy," Tuck informed as he walked out.

After Miranda returned home she walked in the door and took a deep breath. She slowly walked to the bedroom and looked in seeing that Ben never touched the food she made. Her feelings were hurt, he always ate her food.

"Ben why haven't you touched the food I made for you? You need to eat so you can take your medicine," Miranda stated.

Ben looked up at Miranda for a moment, "I'm not hungry Miranda," Ben shot at her in a hard tone.

Miranda's eyes widened hearing the tone that Ben had just used with her. Without saying another word to him she grabbed the tray and walked out. Miranda slammed the tray down and took a deep breath as she stretched her hand trying to contain the anxiety that she felt rising. 

Before going back into the bedroom where Ben was she decided to make a cup of coffee and just wait for the physical therapist to arrive.

The physical therapist arrived in the driveway and Miranda opened the door to let him in.

"Good morning, I'm Terry Braxton," the tall, athletic man said.

"Good morning, I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey. Your here to start physical therapy sessions with my husband Dr. Ben Warren," Miranda stated.

"Okay, lead the way Dr. Bailey," Terry said.
Terry walked into the bedroom and introduced himself. "Alright Dr. Warren we are going to get started with some stretches," Terry instructed.

Miranda stood at the door and Ben kept glancing at her nervously. Miranda wanted to encourage him but he had already been short with her all morning.

As the session progressed Miranda sat on the bed and watched the physical therapist give him encouraging words and so Miranda felt it was safe to do the same.

"You're doing so good Ben," she praised.

Ben just stared at her blankly and then focused his attention back on his exercises.

When the session was over Miranda walked Terry to the door and he turned around, "I've seen this many times. Sometimes when a person sees that they have a long recovery ahead before they can get back to themselves it causes them to experience depression. And sadly the one closest to them receive the brunt of the emotions they're experiencing," Terry explained.  Miranda nodded her head in agreement and said goodbye.

Miranda went out into the back yard and climbed into her tree house that Ben had built for her. She immediately felt better in there thinking about how her husband was before all of this happened.

She knew that it was a possibility that after being in the hospital for so long and then sustaining injures that might remain with him for the rest of his life that he would be depressed. But she didn't know if she was prepared to deal with the consequences of the depression he was experiencing.

After an hour Miranda climbed down, went back in the house and sat in the living room.

"MIRANDA," Ben called from their bedroom.

Standing up and walking slowly, she stood in the door and Ben looked at her with a frustrated look on his face.

" I need to use the bathroom," he said looking away.

Miranda walked around and grabbed his seated walker and rolled him into the bathroom.

When he was done she helped him get back to the bed. Before she could walk away Ben reached for her hand and she seemed shocked that he touched her.

"Can I have that breakfast now." Ben asked softly and Miranda nodded as she cupped his face and kissed him. Ben closed his eyes taking in her kiss and feeling some of his hopelessness fade away.

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