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The station 19 team sat at there kitchen table like they always did eating breakfast and teasing each other about the things that were going on in there lives. Just as Vic started picking at Dean about his love life or the lack thereof, dispatch called over the intercom for 19 to go to a 5 alarm fire located at a warehouse.
When they arrived on the scene captain Maya began giving orders to the team on what everyone's role would be.
"Ben, Dean and Herrera you are doing search and rescue. Jack and Vic, you're on hoses. Travis and Sullivan check the perimeters of the building for ways to vent the building," Maya commanded.
The search and rescue team made up of every fire station in Seattle was able to evacuate the 20 people who were still trapped in the building. Dean and Herrera were just ahead of Ben as they were close to exiting when the roof of the building began to collapse.
Just as the trio was running to escape the collapsing roof, some debri fell and hit Ben in the head while also trapping him. "BEN!" Herrera cried. WARREN! Dean yelled as they tried pulling him from the debri but the ceiling was still collapsing.
Miranda sat in her office going over budget reports, making budget cuts and approving them when she got a call to the ER, she grabbed her white coat and rushed to the ER. "" there was a 5 alarm fire at a warehouse downtown so we have quite a few victims coming in from there," Dr. Hunt informed her.
As she put on her yellow gown and gloves she hurried out the door to the ambulance bay just as one pulled up. We have a 43 year old male who was one of the firefighters exiting the building when the roof collapsed," one of the EMS workers stated. As they pulled patient down out of the aid car Miranda clutched her chest. "BEN," she screamed. "This is my husband! What...what happened?" she cried as she followed them into one of the trauma rooms.
"Let's begin replacing all the the tubes and lines that belong to EMS. They said he was knocked unconscious, let's get neuro in here," Dr. Hunt ordered."
As they did a work up on Ben, Miranda just stood in the corner of the trauma room crying. Dr. Karev came in and tried to get her to go out but she refused. After an ultrasound they discovered fluid in his in upper right quadrant of his belly, he bleeding out so they took him up to surgery.
A neuro exam from Dr. Sheppard indicated that he had a brain bleed that needed to be stopped immediately. They rushed him off to surgery.
While Dr. Grey and Dr. Sheppard performed their surgeries on Ben, Miranda sat in the hallway outside of the OR with Karev and Richard beside her.
"Miranda have you had a chance to call his sister or Tucker so that he can get Tuck?" Richard asked.
Miranda gasped and shook her head as tears began to well up in her eyes. She took her phone out and tried to find the number of her sister in law but her hands were shaking. Karev grabbed her hands to stop them from shaking and he took the phone and made the calls.
Rosalind and Miranda sat together in the waiting area holding hands just as Dr. Grey and came out to speak to them.
"He arrested twice but we were able to bring him back and he pulled through," Grey said touch Miranda's shoulder. Miranda quickly hugged her and then focused her attention on Amelia.
"I was able to get control of the brain bleed and he has some brain activity but it isn't enough to make a prediction of when he will wake up," Amelia said with not much hope in her face.
After allowing Rosalind time with him and hugging her goodnight, Miranda went into Ben's hospital room and stood at the door. She couldn't believe that this was really happening. She slowly walked over and touched his arm, caressed his head and kissed his forehead. She moved all the lines and tubes so that she could get on the bed with him. She began whispering in his ear, "Ben...please wake up baby...I can't do this without you. You are a piece of me...please wake up soon." Miranda began to cry again until she fell asleep.

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