13-Trust Me

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Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

Once again Draco awoke for what would be the final time that morning. The sun was beginning to peak out from its resting place and he knew if he slept again he would sleep through class and well into lunch. He was still exhausted, yet he felt as though it was the most sleep he’d had in weeks, which was probably true. As he looked down at the unchanged form in his arms he could at least find happiness in knowing that one of them had gotten decent rest the night before. Draco dreaded when the sun would fully rise and it would be time to wake her. That would mean that they both needed to go back to reality where Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s don’t mix.

It would also mean that when evening struck again, he would be forced to delve back into the twisted world of his nightmares. The only difference would be that this time he would cast a silencing spell on his room, keeping Hermione from having to worry about him. Her help had been nice but he was not going to burden her with his petty problems. Draco refused to use Hermione as her friends had, relying on her for every little thing all the while underappreciating her. She deserved better than that, but he also know that she would never leave her friends behind. So the only thing Draco would ask of her is to allow him to show her true friendship. Terrifying her with the nature of his dreams would put a quick stopper in that.

Draco halted his thoughts for a moment as Hermione began to stir. He couldn’t suppress the laugh that came out as she sat up. Her eyes where full of sleep, her hair looked as though the Wamping Willow had attacked it, and she let out a loud yawn as she stretched. As unkempt as she looked, it made Draco even more attracted to her. Hermione wasn’t the type of girl who snuck out of bed to brush her hair and fix her makeup, she was comfortable with herself.

“Morning.” Draco snickered making Hermione jump slightly.

“Oh… Morning.” She blushed. “Did you sleep better?”

“Much. Um… Thanks by the way”

“That’s good… Well I’m going to get ready for breakfast.”

“Alright.” Draco said, dying to get away from this awkwardness.

Hermione hopped from his bed and walked slowly to the door as though thinking of something. Just as she reached the handle, she stopped. “I won’t ask you today, but at some point I think you owe it to me to tell me what that dream was really about Draco.”

“I already told you, my father was torturing someone.” Draco said willing himself to calm. She really was too smart for her own good.

“Draco, us being civil towards each other will work out a lot better if you don’t pretend I’m stupid. It makes things much harder and I’ll prove you wrong every time. I’m not going to force you though, tell me when you’re ready, but I think you owe me. If they’re as bad as they seem to be, maybe I can help.”

“Please Hermione, you really do not want to know. My nightmares would give you nightmares. Just trust me.” He said hoping she would just drop it.

“Once again, it would make things a lot easier if you’d stop acting like I’m so dim, delicate, flower, too stupid for her own good and too weak to handle real problems. Nothing you say is going to scare me Draco. I have fought to save my own life many times, nothing is more terrifying then the fear of death.” Hermione smirked.

“Fine, tonight… Maybe.” Draco said hoping to keep her at bay with another made up version of the dream.

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