konoha's loss

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No ones PoV

It was early in the morning and the main branch Hyugas were having breakfast and here Hiashi noticed the heiress not present, he was confused so he called Ko to get his daughter Ko said that she might still be sleeping so Hiashi told him to wake her up as Ko made his way to Hinata's room he couldn't sense her chakra maybe she's hiding it? he thought that he knocked on her door ' Hinata-sama everybody is waiting for you, breakfast is going to start.' but there was no answer he was quite puzzled ' Hinata-sama are you alright?' still no answer 'forgive me Hinata-sama but I'm coming in.' He announced and he came in. However all he noticed was the mattress and the furniture in her room still there was but no lady Hinata he was alarmed and rushed back to the Clan head If lady Hinata was missing then it would be a massive problem.
Ko went to tell Hiashi the news, Hiashi was alarm disturbed when he couldn't see is daughter ' where is my daughter?' he asked everyone can clearly hear the strain in his voice it was laced with anxiety around it. ' Ko...' he repeated but colder 'where is my daughter exactly?' hanabi looked worried 'father where is sister?' Silence was all she received, painful silence. We need to warn the Hokage this instance this is an extremely pressing matter the heiress has officially gone missing nobody could detect her chakra signals anywhere this was indeed an alarming matter to think the Heiress got kidnapped another incident like that happened several years ago and took Neji's father's life this must not repeat itself ! Ko rushed to the Hokage's office 'Lord Hokage The heiress has gone missing!' Lord hokage had his eyes wide open and clearly in shock and stood up from his chair slamming his hands on the desk 'what?! Do you mean somebody kidnapped her? Send the black Ops to track her! We must not lose her!' He spoke this was clearly an alarming matter for the whole of Konohagakure since the hyuga were one of the most noble families apart from some others. If word spread of a catastrophe like this to repeat it self then war might be around the corner.

By lunch the word has spread fast that Hinata was missing. Everybody was in shock and Team eight were all Stricken with guilt.

^Team 8 ^

'What?!'Kiba stuttered when he heard the news 'yes...'Kureni said her voice breaking Shino was also in shock. As guilt stabbed their stomachs they remembered how they talked behind her back and all the cruel things they said about her, they knew she was always kind to them and listened to their problems and instead of repaying her kindness with kindness they just repaid it with pain and betrayal...her disappearance sunk into the rest of her classmates to Kureni burst into tears as she said 'I'm so  sorry Hinata I promise I will find you..'  akumaru, he also missed her nice cinnamon vanilla smell he used smell whenever she came...

'Hinata-chan we're sorry, we are going to find you and keep you safe.'

*~Team 7 ~*

This had a massive effect on them even though they weren't as close  she still meant a lot to them...

Sakuhina moment
Sakura burst into tears as flashbacks hit her. She remembered all the times Hinata would help her in situations like Sharing her lunch if she didn't have any or cheering her up when she was sad and got bullied because of her forehead. Hinata never spoke badly about her ever. And how did Sakura repay her by talking badly about her in front of her crush and neglecting the special friendship they had.

'I'm sorry Hinata, you were so kind to me, so nice and I hurt you so terribly....I'm so sorry and when I find you. I'm going to protect you no matter what! Your too innocent and I may not deserve you but I will fight for you no matter the cost! I'm going to take you back...

And I'm never letting you go my sweet innocent star~'

Naruhina moment
Next was Naruto he was in utter shock and before he knew it tears started flooding out of his eyes of his eyes and that was when Sakura coughed up the truth 'Naruto... Hinata has always had a crush on you ...' and that shook him. He knew she was always nice to him... Anger suddenly blinded him. He wanted a chance to prove and redeem himself, he knew she was his only chance of sincere love and he blew it away by foolishly obsessing himself over Sakura. How stupid he was! He just realised his mistakes and how he said all those nasty comments Behind her back even though she was so nice to him...
She never punched him and never said anything horrible to him, he knew she was always there for him from the very beginning.

'Hinata... I'm so sorry so this time I'm not going to give you up... I'm going to treat you like the queen you are! You were an angel that came into my life and I just brushed you aside like the fool I am... but when I find you, I'm going to protect you and never let you go. I'm going to do anything and everything in my power to redeem myself and gain your love again I will never treat you the way I did before, never again you will be mine...

My sweet cinnamon roll~'

Sasuhina moment
This duckbutt was for once in his life speechless (wow-✋gotta take a pic of that-) he didn't expect her so suddenly to disappear sure he found her annoying to look out because of her timid personality but this- was out of pocket- the a flashback played in his mind-

Flashback start-

Little Sass-uke was sitting alone in the playground this time with no fan girls (wow talk about miracles😃✋) he had no lunch because his clan got wiped out the night before and little Hinata noticed this and being the bean she was she left her lunch with him. And ran away before he could say another word there was cute bento with star chopped vegetables, rice and for desert there was a cinnamon roll. He looked at it he never liked sweets but he was too hungry to think twice so in five minutes he finished the bento. He knew she was a shy girl and when he saw her in class he gave her a nod and she knew what that meant it ,meant to thank you in Sasuke's language.

End of flashback-
Guilt stabbed his stomach which made it do a back flip. He tsked, anybody who took her was about to feel the wrath of an Uchiha.

'Don't worry Hinata I will get you back to the village no matter the cost~'

Author-I'm going to write another chapter about how her family is coping with the loss since I believe that this will be quite interesting and I hope you enjoy the next chapter too. As you can see I added some moments for the ships I mentioned in the description don't worry if you're waiting for a hakuhina moment is going to come but a little bit later. I promise you, you won't regret it waiting! I am thinking of making the main ship hakuhina? But I'm not sure. 🤔 Anyway thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day or night bye!

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