Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Elizabeth absentmindedly stared out her window, listening as rain pelted against the glass. She could only see the rain drops as they slid down the windows, but couldn't see much further, since it was pitch black outside. It was the middle of the night, and the castle was quiet. She rested her chin in her right hand, and her long fingers tapped against her cheek, as she tried to will herself to be tired. It was no use. Her mind was wide awake, full of ideas and plans to enact her next round of revenge.

It had been weeks since she brought down Thomas Drake, but he was an easy target. He was a simple servant, and it was easy tricking him to do what she wanted him to. But her next targets, Edward and Anne Hastings, were a baron and baroness who spent their time away from court. She wasn't entirely certain about how to bring the two people down.

With a frustrated sigh, she pulled away from the window and went to the trunk at the end of her bed and pulled out her black cloak. She quickly put it on and made sure to put the hood over her face, then made sure the corridor outside her room was clear before leaving the room.

She rushed through the corridors, knowing that the path she was taking would be lightly patrolled by guards, so she could mostly go through the halls undetected. She went down a flight of stairs, walking in an odd way, which made it so her heels didn't hit the stone steps. She could hardly hear herself walking, and she knew that neither could the guards, if any were near.

She left the palace and headed towards the brothel, where she'd meet with Amelia, or rather, Maud, who she was sure would be able to give her some useful advice. She cursed as the frigid raindrops hit the top of her hood and soaked through onto her hair. She was certain that she'd look like a drowned rat by the time she reached the brothel. She watched her step as she walked, certain that areas of the road leading to the village center would be slick and dangerous for her, especially because she had a tendency to walk a little too quickly at times.

It was only Elizabeth's second time going to the brothel, and she felt as though her stomach was doing flips inside of her body. She didn't know the proper protocol of a brothel, and wasn't certain if she was visiting too late. The rain came down harder and she shivered as a gust of wind blew through all the layers of warm clothing she was wearing. She quickened her step, but still remained cautious at the same time, not wanting to slip and break any bones.

As she grew closer to the brothel, she could see that it was the only building that was currently active in the town square. All of the others were quiet and dark, reminding Elizabeth just how late it was. She could hear the voices and music from the building as she neared the door, and she quickly threw open the door, immediately drawn towards the heat which radiated from the fireplaces placed around the room.

Elizabeth clenched and unclenched her hands, scolding herself for not wearing gloves. She continued to shiver, and was grateful for the fact that it looked like everyone in the large room was occupied with something, and wouldn't notice her lurking by the door. She silently walked to the door at the side of the room that led to the private chambers, then made her way to the end of the hall, where Maud's gold door stood.

She could see light escaping from underneath the door, telling her that Maud was awake. She prayed that she wasn't with a customer. While trying to ignore the moans that came from the closed doors around her, Elizabeth raised a frozen hand and knocked on the door, which immediately caused her to clench her teeth in pain. Her hands hadn't thawed enough yet, and she was certain that the motion had caused her knuckles to split open.

She stepped away from the entrance and waited for Maud to open the door. She glanced behind her, making sure that nobody was around, then turned back to the door, which still remained closed. She stared at it, willing it to open. She considered knocking on the door again, but then heard movement coming from the room. A few seconds later, the door opened and revealed Maud, who was dressed in a silk robe that didn't cover much.

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