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I'm woken up by my scream. I sit up quickly, gasping as I try to forget the horrific nightmare that had just plagued my peaceful sleep. Hot tears are streaming down my cheeks, but I don't bother to wipe them away. I instead push my tangled brown hair out of my eyes and turn my head to stare at my analog clock that sat on my small wooden nightstand. It was only 2:24 A.M.

I rest my head against my white pillow and run a shaking hand through Rip's fur. He stirs slightly and begins to purr. It calms me a little, but not enough to allow me to fall back asleep.

I thought that the constant nightmares that replayed my father's death and haunted me for years were something I had finally grown out of. But because of the traumatic events that had happened hours before, they had returned.

"Katy?" My mom calls out, her voice full of alarm. She's by my bedside before I can even register it, her light green eyes searching my face. "What happened, sweetheart?"

I only shake my head in response. I blink away the tears that threaten to spill. When she realizes the reason for my sorrow, her expression softens. She runs her fingers through my dark brown hair and sits on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't know things were getting worse."

"Things were okay for a while," I admitted, sniffling. "But my friends and I had to fight this horrible creature yesterday, one that can conjure up your worst nightmares and make you live through them. You can imagine what it did for me..."

The tears escape my eyes instantly. I can't hold back my cries, and Mom wipes my tears away with a gentle stroke of her thumb. "Oh, Katy..."

"No matter how much I try to numb the pain, it always comes back," I murmured. "I just feel so empty."

"I'm sorry," she said, and when I meet her eyes, I see that they were full of tears. "I should have been a better mother. I always worried that you were unsafe, and because of that, I made things difficult. I should have been there for you when you needed me most."

I place my hand on top of hers and squeeze it tight. "You're here now. That's all that matters."

She smiles then and leans down to hug me. I breathe in her perfume. The strong, flowery scent allows my eyes to close for the first time. "I love you, Katy."

"I love you too, mom."

She glances over at my analog clock. Her eyes widen. "It's time for you to get some rest." She tucks me in, just like she used to when I was a little kid. Then, she presses a kiss to my forehead, pats Rip on the head, and quietly tip-toes out of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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