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Deku: hey uraraka,what is the most thing you hate?

Uraraka: my life

Deku: what..

Uraraka: what?


Momo: Uraraka,would you rather spend all the money in my credit card or hangout with all of us ?

Uraraka: hangout with you guys ofc!

Mina: give us a reason why.

Uraraka: money can't buy real happiness and I'm bored being alone

Uraraka: Mina!!!

Mina: yes gurl ?

Uraraka: you said fingergun don't kill people right ?

Mina: uh yeah, why?

Uraraka: I do the fingergun at the boys and then they all faint with a blood coming out from their nose ! *Point at the boys*

Mina: oh my simps

Uraraka: there is no I in team but there is one in pizza

Sero: you not goin to share it?

Uraraka: absolutely not!

Mina, dramatically: she was poetry but he couldn't read.

Uraraka: His name was David and he nineteen.

Denki: when his parents build a strange machine..

Sero: watch that scene dig it dancing queen !

Uraraka & denki: AYYY MACARENA!!!

Iida: horrible job everyone...

Kirishima: Has anyone see bakubro?

Uraraka: just a sec. *Take a deep breath* I LUV YOU POMERANIAN !

Bakugou: Not in here round face!

Kirishima: thanks uraraka!

Jirou: Babe, why did you give uraraka a knive !?

Momo: she said that she feel unsafe baby

Jirou: now I'm feeling unsafe..

Momo: sorry Hun, would you like a gun ?

Uraraka: I'm hungry!!

Mina, on the phone: boys! Code 3!

Uraraka: Nani?-

Uraraka simp burst into Mina dorm with a food: we here, our queen!

Todoroki: watcha doin snowflakes?

Uraraka: I'm making 'hit or miss' but in my version!

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