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I woke in the middle of the night and i saw a person sitting next to me. He was the same person. He put hand on my Mouth and didn't let me say a word..

He said : Don't shot and listen to me i wont hurt you !

I nodded my head.

He said : I am not a stranger, but a friend of your parent i am here to take you with me.

He said that and removed his Hand from my mouth and let me speak...

I said : Why should i trust you and believe what you said is right ?

He said : My name is Mike and i will tell you what happend to your parents if you come with me. If i started to tell you here. There will be chances that i will get caught and it will not be good for both of us ! Am i right ?

I replied Him : Yes, You are right and i am ready to go with you, But i would take my stuff with me.

He said : Okay, But do it as fast as you can do.

I said : Help me packing my stuff then ? Can you hand me that suitcase that is up on the cupboard ?

He pulled the suitcase and placed it near the cupboard and i started to put all my stuff into the suitcase. Mike opened the drawer and the glass of water felled on the ground and broke into pieces and because of this the Guard said.

Guard Said : Who is there ?

Mike immediately closed the suitcase and Put me on his shoulder, But i felled from his shoulder and fainted ! I dont know what happened next ! But when i opened my eyes i saw i was in a Beautiful room, With some pictures of me and my parents of childhood and there was a 4th person in the picture and i think he was Mike. and i heard talks of two people from the outside of my room, I don't know what they were saying. So i get up and went outside my room, Outside my room i saw that a Mike and a Lady was talking and they saw me and mike said.

Mike said : This is Elena. My close friend, If you need anything else please tell me or her about it ! You clothes are pressed and are in your room, Take shower and come to downstairs for breakfast... I went into the room and took shower, get ready and went downstairs. There was a girl and a boy of the same age as me. They said together.


I said : Thanks.

But i was wondering who were they. When suddenly Elena Said.

Elena said : Don't worry, They are your Friends.

The Girl said : My name is Nina.

The boy said : and my name is Zack.

It was so weird seeing couple of people whom i never saw at once. I sat there noticed both of them staring at me, Mike was also sitting while Elena was in Kitchen cooking.

Elena Said to me : What you would like to eat ?

I replied : I dont know ! Maybe Egg and two slices of Bread ?

Mike said : So Guys, Tomorrow we are going for camping !

Everyone in the Home said ''YESSSSS!!!'' While i was sitting silently. Elena soon put the food on the table and soon we all ate the Breakfast !

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