6: did you ever love somebody?

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After breakfast, Y/N insisted on helping the Fairies clean up, and I waited for her in the gazebo. Amelia stayed with me, coming up with an excuse that she prepared the food so she can rest. Knowing Amelia it was true to some extent, but not the only reason she wanted to stay with me.

"My King, can I ask you a question?" she asked, sitting on the table in front of me.

"Of course."

"Did you figure out what you feel for Y/N?"

I let my smile widen, softened by how everyone in the Garden approached the new, unknown situation.

I wasn't sure, and that's what I told Amelia. Whatever I felt for Y/N was fresh and unique. My heart had never filled with this kind of magic before, and I wasn't used to it, but I craved it more every day.

"Can I be honest, King?" she asked, stretching her legs out and leaning her elbows in between them. She looked up with a pout as I nodded. "I'd love to cook for her every single day of my life. She is just so sweet. And the way her eyes lit up when she ate my bread. King," she whined, unable to stay in one spot for long. She jumped to her feet, twirling and dancing until she tripped, and would end up in a mug with tea if I didn't catch her. "Thank you."

"Do you all like her so much?" I asked.

"We love her. And the Garden! The scent of flowers is so much sweeter since she came to us."

It was not a lie that Y/N made everything better. Almost as if we all lacked something in our lives before, but she was able to make up for a blank space of any kind. Once we had Y/N, there seemed to be no lack.

I wondered what it was that I felt towards Y/N. I was usually good with naming my feelings, but this time the unfamiliarity of it made it a challenge for me.

When Y/N came back, she asked for a walk around the Garden. We strolled down the path this time, as she said she never really walked the entire path for the visitors. It was true, and even though she wasn't our regular visitor, I showed her everything she would see if she was.

It wasn't anything more magnificent than things she already saw. She was the only visitor to see the gems of my Garden.

My curiosity to figure out what melody my heart was playing got the best of me. "Y/N?"


"Did you ever love somebody?" I asked. A harmless question, but maybe she was more experienced than me.

Her slow exhale felt tired, like she breathed out some old, unpleasant experience. But then she smiled. "I did."

I didn't answer at first, taken aback by another strange, unfamiliar sensation in my body. Like water was boiling in my chest. I pushed it away, startled by how quickly it came.

"Can you tell me about it?" I asked, searching for help to organize my own feelings.

"About being in love?" she asked. I nodded, sparing her a quick glance. "Well... it feels good. It depends on the stage you are at."

"Can you tell me about a beginning? About falling in love?"

"To me falling in love is... sweet. At some point you realize that there is someone who makes you smile more, laugh more, who you think about at random times of the day. A lot of things become all about that one person. You want them to look at you, to smile at you, to admire you, watch you grow. It's... funny... to be falling in love. Your heart flutters, your cheeks burn, and you giggle for no reason at all." She giggled as she said it, a beautiful sound.

"When you first came to the Garden... you said you loved someone with your whole heart, but she didn't love you the same way," I remembered, and Y/N agreed. "Was it the only person you loved?"

"Yeah. At first I thought she was someone I would have forever. All those butterflies and giggles, I felt it. And it was only getting better and better. But... it's not always two sides that feel the same. At the beginning I was sure she felt like me. We would... laugh together, and kiss, and cuddle. And everything humans do when they are in love, I guess. It turned out that she just wanted to have fun. But I genuinely fell in love. In my eyes... she was so perfect in every way. Inside, outside. Just being with her felt so lovely."

As she talked, the boiling in my chest came back, and, as I started sulking, I remembered a crucial thing. Fairies were insanely jealous and possessive creatures.

"How about now?" I asked.

"Do I still love her? No." Y/N chuckled, and I let out a soft breath. A smile made its way onto my face upon the buzzing sensation in my body decreasing. "She was just not the one I was supposed to love. I was sad at first, but I moved on. I know there is someone in the world who's love is for me, and my love is for them."

"Do you know what?"


"Your love is really beautiful, Y/N," I said, giving her a small smile. "People you love should cherish you. You don't meet that kind of heart every day."



"If my love is beautiful... will someone love me in the same way?"

We paused as I turned towards her. Just thinking about her happiness made me smile. And as I spoke to her, she beamed, trying to hide the pink tint over her cheekbones. "I wish you will find someone who will love you like you love. Or even better."

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