13: you are the biggest miracle this Garden has ever seen

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Even though the Garden was cold this morning, the Sun didn't come out, and no Fairy felt like smiling, we all did. We did, just to make sure Y/N was leaving happy. I knew the Garden would stay sad for a while after she'd cross the gate for the last time. We smiled and chatter through our breakfast, everyone secretly giving her the sweetest fruit we had on the table this morning. And coffee, and dates, and everything she liked the most.

Y/N dragged it out. She talked more and more, and took a few more rounds around the Garden.

She doesn't want to go, King, the Garden told me. But she had to. Her whole life was outside, not with us. It felt so wrong, and it was so wrong, I didn't know how I'd recover from this.

We all walked her to the gate. Wings were heavier, our legs and hearts, too. The Fairies said their 'goodbye's' first as I wanted to be the last one. I wanted her warmth to linger on me for longer, I wanted to memorize the sparkle dancing in her eye, and the smile I fell in love with.

"I'm really grateful for everything, Jungkook," she said. "I'll never forget you. And the Garden. It will always have a special place in my heart."

I had to gulp not to burst into tears, but it was hard to hide that I was in pain. Just so that she wouldn't see my eyes watering, I pulled her into a hug. She didn't hesitate to put her arms around my waist, holding me closer to her.

"I'm glad I could heal you, Y/N. You are... the biggest miracle this Garden has ever seen," I said so close to her ear that she would be the only one to hear. I held her a little bit longer, caressing her back with my palm, not ready to let go. I would never be ready.

When she stepped back, I pulled a smile onto my face, but it cracked fast. My heart was so weak, it couldn't handle the heartbreak I would feel upon hearing her farewell. My chest stung like a hundred thorns sunk into my heart at once. I shut my eyes, my head heavy, as I lost balance, and my body hit the ground.

Behind the fog, I could hear gasps and loud voices. It must have been Y/N that kneeled next to me and held my shoulders, as she was the only one human-sized. I had to wait until a round of dizziness subsides to be able to open my eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked, letting my head rest onto her lap. Her palms were so warm on the icy skin of my cheeks as she brushed my hair out of my face and caressed it so delicately that I could mistake her for a Fairy.

"I... I'm okay, Y/N. Everything's fine," I said, struggling to breath. My heartbeat was heavier, slower. My heart was giving up on me as I failed to feed it the only thing it needed to survive. Love.

"You're not okay, Jungkook. What's wrong? Please, tell me," she said, cupping my cheek with her hand, and only then I recognized she was crying. She was crying as I was dying in her arms, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I swept my eyes across the ground. My Fairies stood around us, crying and trembling. And I couldn't do anything about it. My eyes stung for a moment as my tears fell down my cheeks immediately.

"There's something you need to know about Fairies, Y/N," I said. "We can only live off of love. If we don't receive any love, we die. Whenever I healed people before, it always made me so happy that I didn't need anything in return. I thought that... I thought that if I give you all I have, I will feel better. I wanted to give you the world, Y/N, but I was feeling weaker every day."

Ruby cut me off, as she stepped ahead. "King, we... we need to tell you something. We always gave you our energy. Even before Y/N came into the garden, you'd heal people, but you never asked for anything in return. It made you tired, and we felt bad for you, so we'd always gather together and give you our energy. But... it wasn't a lot. This time... we just couldn't refill it. I'm so sorry, King," she said, her voice cracking as she ran into someone's arms to silence her sobs.

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