8: happiness looks beautiful on you

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I was in the Fairy Garden for a week, and I wanted to turn in into an eternity. Everything felt like I was on the best path I could walk through life on. Eating breakfasts with Fairies, walking around the Garden with Jungkook, telling them stories and listening to the ones they had to tell.

Even the healing journey, despite a lot of unavoidable pain and discomfort, was perfect. I was constantly in the right place, at the right time, and everything was happening for me, not to me.

Ever since I woke up, I didn't see Jungkook. I even rang the bell outside of his room, but he wasn't there. I strolled around, hoping I would bump into him on my way. The day felt like early summer, and all the dresses I received allowed my skin to drink the Sun to the fullest.

I was on the path among pink roses, and the smell was dazzling. The amount of deep breaths I took made me dizzy, but I couldn't stop myself. The ethereal, redolent scent of the roses felt like eating sweets as a child.

Thinking about childhood was so easy now that I didn't associate it with pain. I healed it all on the night me and Jungkook laid under the night sky. He healed it. I couldn't take the credit for the things he was doing for me. Despite my efforts, nothing would be possible without him.

I could reminisce on the times I painted with my father with a light heart now, and I would never say 'thank you' enough to Jungkook. I missed the thought of my father being my father, but I didn't allow it into my mind before. I forgave him. Whatever reasons he had, I forgave him, and let go.

Something I remembered the best from my childhood, besides painting with my dad, was a playground. A bunch of colorful, plastic and wooden toys that were so massive when I was just a little girl. Sand that always found a way into my shoes. And swings.

With an idea on my mind, I left the path, and approached the weeping willows. If I couldn't find Jungkook, I had other Fairies to ask for help.

"Hey," I said, as soon as I passed through the heavy branches.

"Oh my! We have a guest! Clean up, fast!" Pebbles exclaimed, flying around the bell instead of ringing it. Not a day went by when she wasn't fascinated by me in one way or another, and it was a refreshing experience. She flew to me, and kissed my cheek as a new habit she developed a few days ago. "Good morning, Y/N. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to ask you for help."

"Help? Us? Oh my, of course! Everything for you, Y/N," she said, throwing her beloved sprinkles of magic in the air, and whistling for a bunch of Fairies to join us. "What is it that you need help with, Y/N?"

"Do you have a swing in the Garden?"

"A swing? What is it?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh my God, Pebbles!" Ruby smacked her forehead. "How can you not know?!"

"We know what's a swing, Y/N," said Val, laughing at her little friends. "Pebbles is just in another world. But... umm... it's for Fairies. You know, small."

"Oh." I nodded, but kept a smile on my face. It was hard not to smile in the Garden. "Would your King have something against us building a bigger swing?"

"Our King? Never!" Pebbles clapped her hands. "He will love a swing! Let's go! Dove, Poly and Poppy will be of help! They are good at this!"

They chose a space away from the path. A patch of grass surrounded with flowerbeds. I was never good with handmade things, but with three pairs of Fairy arms to help, and a little bit of their magic, we finished a human-sized swing. Made of wood, strong ivy branches, flowers, and, obviously, magic, to make the swing alive.

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