Chapter 12

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I walk out of the apartment and get into my car. I sigh and run my hands through my hair "fuck!" I yell and hit the seat. I start the car and drive to the theatre.

I walk in and most people are already there. I walk over to Anthony who's talking to jazzy. "Hey... how'd it go last night?" He asks

"Shit, I yelled at him this morning and he said it was his ex... I just left, I don't know what to do.." I explain.

"Do what you wanna do Lin... if you want to break up with him then do it..." he replies.

"But I love him..." ant just hugs me. "I don't wanna leave him... but I don't think I can live with him after he cheated on me..."

"I know Lin... um i know you didn't really want people to know but uh the cast minds knows..." he says.

I sighs "okay..."  I look over at the door and see Groff walk in. "I'm gonna go get ready..." before I can walk away groff walks over to me.

"Uh no getcha ass away from him" jazzy says as she stands in front of me. Groff sighs and looks at me.

"Lin.., please just let me explain..." he begs. Jazzy looks at me so I just sigh and nod, she loves out of the way. "Lin I love you so much, and I'm so sorry, the only reason I left so quickly and I'll admit rudely was because I was planning a surprise for you and he was helping me... I don't love him. I don't even like him, he kisses me and yes I kissed him back but I don't know what I was thinking, my mind kinda just blanked. I didn't forget about you I just didn't know what I was think but as soon as I actually processed what was happy I pull away...I love you so much, and I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you"

He try not to cry as he says all this but end up in tears "w-why weren't you just honest with me about who you where seeing? Why did you tell me he kissed you, but you just lied to me, you stood in front of me and said you didn't cheat."

" I know... and I know I should have been honest with you and I'm sorry, I love you so much. I swear I'll never see him again, I don't want to be with anyone but you"  he holds at me.

I think about it for a minute, I guess it wasn't exactly his fault. I look at him then hug him. "Please.... Don't do it again..." I sob.

He hugs me back "I won't  baby....I promise" he holds me close "I love you so much"  I nod and hold onto him.

"We need to get to get ready..." I wipe my eyes  and look at him. He nods and I walks it out dressing room.

Groff POV

I starts following Lin to our dressing room but Anthony stops me, I look at him. "You have no idea how lucky you are... but I swear if you ever  hurt Lin again, you won't be so lucky"

"I know.... And I won't, I love him" I reply He nods and I walk into our dressing room.  Lin was getting ready, I smile.  "I love you so much"

He turns around and smiles, "I know, I love you too" he kisses me and I smile. "Now let's get ready for the show!" He smiles I laugh a little and nod.

Word count: 609

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