Chapter 1

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I've bee thinking about this for awhile. I feel bad for waiting so long to tell her. Yes I did love her but I can't keep leading her on. So today I'm going to tell her. I walk into our bedroom. "Vanessa? Can we talk?" She looks at me confused.

"Of course Lin, What's up?" She walks over to me. I sigh and look down, not wanting to look into her eyes.

"Umm Well I-I'm Bisexual..." I nervously come out. She doesn't say anything for a minute. The silence is driving me insane. Suddenly she hugs me. I'm take by surprise but then hug her back "You're not mad?" I know she's not homophobic but I thought she'd be upset.

"No... This is who you are and I can't change that, but why are you telling me this now?" She asks, I don't say anything. "Oh... I see you have feeling for someone else?" I guiltily nod.

"Vanessa I'm so sorry! I wanted to tell you sooner but every time I was going to I chickened out. You've been nothing but kind to me, I just think I love someone else..."

"It's okay, You deserve to have someone that makes you happy Lin and I'm not just not that person" I can see her holding back tears. "Good luck with the show" She turns around and walks out. I sigh and start packing a suitcase, I'll get the rest of my stuff later. I walk to my car and drive to the Richard Rogers Theatre.

Groff POV

I decide to go to work early today, opening night is in 3 days so it couldn't hurt to practice one of my songs. When I arrive I find that the door is already open which is weird because usually Tommy or Lin are the first ones here but Tommy's sick today and Lin said he was gonna be with Vanessa this morning and no one else comes in early. I walk in anyways and go to mine and Lin's dressing room. When I walk in I see Lin crying on the couch. "Omg Lin are you ok?!" I run over and sit next to him. He looks at me and nods. I wipe his face with my sleeve. "Lin What happened?"

"Nothing... I'm just stressed" He stands up and starts getting ready to practice. "Umm how are you and Corey?"

"Oh um good" I lie, He cheated on me last month so I broke up with him but I haven't told anyone. I feel so bad for Lin though. I mean he's the star and writer of the show, me and the others are stressed I can't even imagine how he's feeling. About an hour later everyone else arrives. Lin says he's gonna go talk to Anthony about the show, he still seems kinda weird though.


I walk out of the dressing room to go talk to Anthony who was Talking to Jasmine. "Ant can I talk to you for a sec?" I interrupt. He nod and we walk into his dressing room. "Umm I broke up with Vanessa..."

"What? Why?" Are you ok?" He sounds shocked. I try not to start crying again, Groff saw me crying, he's so sweet, I almost wanted to tell him but I know he's happy with Corey.

"Ant I'm Bisexual... and I think I have feelings for Groff" I admit. I wait for his reaction, I'm hoping it'll be like Vanessa's.

"Omg! That's awesome Lin I'm so proud of you, and you should totally tell him" Anthony exclaims. He hugs me and I smile. I don't know what I was expecting him to say, but it wasn't that.

"Thanks Anthony but I can't tell him, he has a boyfriend and either way no one else knows I'm bi other than Vanessa"

"Come on Lin, it's not like he's gonna stop being friends with you. Y'all would make a dope ass couple you gotta tell him how ya feel" I mean part of me does wanna tell him cuz he's my best friend but I also know it would be pointless, he has a boyfriend and they're happy together, I don't wanna do anything that could ruin that.

"I dunno I might tell the cast I'm bi but I just don't think I could tell him I like him. I don't wanna be rejected. he had a boyfriend"

"Ok I understand that. Come on we gotta go rehearse" I nod and we walk out to go practice a song.

word count: 757

A/N Hey guys this is my first Grofflin fanfic so i'm sorry if it's bad, but if you're reading this thank you and vote or comment if you think I should continue it

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