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more suggestive stuff lol !


waving to random classmates as she marched down the hall towards the student council office. Arriving at their door, she peeked inside Akane and Teru being the only ones in the room.

Putting on a fake smile, she opened the door, waving to Akane. "Akane-kun! Hi!" She made her way to his desk, avoiding eye contact with Teru who was staring at her. "Aoi said she needs to see you, I don't know why."

Akane immediately jumped from his seat, grinning from ear to ear. "Thanks Y/N-sama! I'll go right now!" The boy took off out the door, Y/N taking a seat on his desk, facing the staring blonde.

Teru slowly stood from his desk, taking strides toward the girl. Y/N swiftly swung out her leg, placing it on his stomach to keep him from going any further. She gave him a quick look over, a scowl pulling her lips.

The blonde smiled, grabbing the girl's ankle. He took the remain steps forward, keepinghold of the girl's foot as her knee bent. Her skirt began to lift, Y/N's face beginning to burn. She shoved her skirt back down, glaring at the upperclassmen.

Teru kept his smile, now standing in between the girl's legs, Y/N growing more flustered by the second. She came here to establish her dominance and this is what she gets? Her normal spells weren't working on him, he seem unmoved by her charm.

"Y/N..." Teru released the girl's legs, grabbing her wrists instead. He gripped them hard, leaning forwards so Y/N could feel his breath on her lips. 

"Just stop, you can't win."

He suddenly released her, walking away from the desk. He sat at his table, going back to his paper work, completely ignoring the girl's presence.

Y/N sat up straight, adjusting her skirt as her embarrassment died down. She bit her cheek, frowning as she tried to regain her dignity. 

How did he do that? It's like he flipped spots with her? Is this how her victims felt after an encounter with her? If's strange.

Y/N stood from the desk, stepping in front of Teru's desk. She glared hard at him, rubbing her bruised wrists. "That isn't going to work Blondie." She informed, starting towards the door.

"You're just struggling uselessly."


Teru whistled as the door fell closed, spinning his pencil around his finger. A smile crept onto his face as he rested his cheek in his palm. 

"I guess...for now, I can forget she's a ghost and have some fun."

↳ [Edited]

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