Chapter 8

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(An hour later Generous tried to break down the door. She kicked at it, she shot magic at it but there was no use)

Thunder: Well done little pony, if you didn’t bring us inside of this old building we wouldn't be trapped in here.

Generous: (Turns to Thunder) Well i'm sorry i didn't know about this place....(Turns at the door and tries to use her magic but her horn stopped glowing)

Silver: (Being paranoid) Just give up Generous, it's no use.

Generous: No i have to get out of here,my friends,my on danger.

Silver: Generous, there's no escape from this shop!!!!!!!Soon or later their master will dismantle me for sale!!!!!!!I know this because……i've been here......

Generous: What? What are you talking about?

Silver: They're the reason why I never come out from my house again. You see i used to come out from my house a lot. But I came to this shop and the appliances of this shop got me imprisoned in this shop. I saw a lot of horrible things in there!!!!! I manage to escape. But I never come out ever since knowing that they are after me..........and that's why I never come out since then........

Generous: Oh Silver, i'm really sorry that this have happened.

Silver: Now i'm back in my prison with no escape.....

Generous: If you escaped once you can escape again!

Silver: What?

Generous: That's right we're getting out of here!!!!And i've got a plan!!!!!!

Generous: That's right we're getting out of here!!!!And i've got a plan!!!!!!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(The oc’s gathered around and she whispered to them about their escape plan. That night when the Part shop appliances were sleeping the oc’s started their plan to escape)

the grastest oc's-The escape
Generous: The coast is clear. Alright, let's go.

(She and her friends tiptoed quietly so they won’t wake up the Part Shop Appliances. Eventually the group made it to the door successfully)

Generous: (Uses her magic to unlock the door. Then she opened it) Are you ready to get out of here?

The oc’s: Yes.

Generous: Alright-

(Suddenly they hear footsteps. They turned around and they scream when they saw Rover coming towards them having himself turned on laughing maniacally. The oc’s came out of the room running towards the exit but it was locked too. They turned around to find out they’ve been surrounded by the Part Shop Appliances)

Phil: (Calls from the other room) Stop being ridiculous Silver!!!!This is your new home and you're not getting out of here like last time!!!!!!

Silver: You're all insane!!!!!! I told you before i don't like it in here!!!!!!!

Fannie: Oh but you will in a few years.

(Generous had so enough of these guy that she uses her magic and she opened the shop’s door wide open and pushed the Part Shop appliances away)

Generous: LET'S GO!!!!!!

(She and her female friends climb on Thunder and hold tight as he started to run and they all escape from this nightmarish place)


(Hearing this from afar Silver felt nervous but Generous puts her under her wing to comfort her and that she’ll make sure that if they come back for her she’ll protect her. The next day Thunder kept driving as they started to reach Equestria’s borders)

Thunder: Honestly Generous, you were awesome back there. How did you do that with that magic stuff?

Generous: I just didn’t want you guys to get hurt. You’re my friends after all.

Thunder: (Gets surprised of what she said) Wow i….no one ever said that to me before……you’re truly nice.

Generous: (Giggles) Thank you. (Then she saw the Equestria from afar. Excited she jumps off

Thunder and starts running towards Equestria) I’M HOME!!!!!I’M HOME!!!!!I-(She gasps and stops when she saw Equestria with an orange sky and everypony without their magic. She understood exactly what happened and she started crying) No, I’m too late……

(Although her friends were shocked of what they’ve seen too, they’ve couldn’t give up on her)

Bong: No Generous you’re not too late. We still can save your home.

(Generous stops crying and looks at her friends who were smiling at her)

Generous: (Stops crying and stood up) You’re right! This is my home and they’re still hope to save it. Now let’s go save my home!!!!!!!

To be continued

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