Chapter 7

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(The next day the gang have woken up and kept moving for the way back to Equestria. Suddenly Silver wakes up feeling tired)

Thunder: Rise and shine Silver.

Silver: Good morning everybody (coughs).

Generous: Please go back to rest Silver (Silver lays down).

(The gang have stopped to a little pond to clean up Silver from the burn marks. Then Catherine’s eyes became light blue and purple smoke started coming out of them. As she held a piece of fabric and put it on the pond to make it wet. Then she started cleaning Silver up)

Little Miss Crazy: Wow, you didn’t tell me you had magic.

Catherine: It’s a secret. It’s because of my necklace.

Generous: I do use magic everyday too.

(After an hour Generous and her friends were on a road)

Thunder: Now all we have to do is find a lightbulb for our lamp friend.

Generous: (Looks around and spots a building labeled “Parts”) ” Parts”, maybe we could find a lightbulb in here.

Silver: (Notices the label) Oh no…...

Bong: What’s the matter?

Silver: I don’t think we should be in here.

Generous: Oh c’mon Silver, we’ll just find a new lightbulb for you and we leave. Besides there’s nothing wrong about this place (Comes in with her friends).

Silver: Um ok……(Follows them inside feeling more anxious)

(Once inside the oc’s started looking around the shop seeing parts for appliances. Silver got more and more anxious during that)

Generous: (Levitates a lightbulb with her magic) Oh here’s one lightbulb.

(Seeing this Silver threw her lightbulb aside and Generous place the new lightbulb in her nose. Silver was really happy as she turned on her light to see if the lightbulb works but she’s still scared about this place)

Silver: Ok I got my lightbulb, now let’s leave.

(Suddenly a strange noise is heard from a room. The group turned around and saw a door that was a bit opened)

Generous: What’s in here?

Silver: We have to get out of here!!!!! Right now!!!!!!!

Generous: But I wonder what’s behind that door (Opens the door and comes in the room)

Rose: You know what they say about curiosity (She and the rest of the gang except Silver followed Generous in the room)

Silver: But-but, ugh, why they have to be so curious about it?!(Follows them in hopes to stop them)

(Once Inside the group started to take a look at this old dusty room while Silver kept following them)

Silver: Now seriously, we gotta get out of here, something terrible is going to happen.

Generous: (Sees a table full of tools) Geez, what kind of a shop is that?

Silver: (Gets more and more anxious) Please, why none of you listen to me? We must get out of here while we still can!!!!!!

Generous: How’s that? What’s so bad about a part shop?

(Then a laugh was heard. Generous looked up and saw a blue-green ceiling lamp coming down towards her)

Phill: Hello.

Generous: (Screams and backs away as some other appliances started to appear).

Silver: (Hides under Generous’s tail feeling scared).

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