Are you Afraid of Me?

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Ash's Point of View

"Have I seen you before?" She asked examining me.

"We may be acquainted. Never less, we can start a new friendship. And may I ask your name?" I said smoothly, trying to prevent myself from showing too much emotion.

"Well, I don't know. My Father told me not to talk to strangers, and he's back home again from hunting. So he will surely be able to catch us." She said while backing away slowly.

"Are you afraid of me?" I questioned. I watched her step backwards away from me.

"Um... No, I'm just looking for someone. An old friend of mine." She muttered.

"Oh, maybe I could help you. If you would like. Personally, I would like to get to know you better." I said,

while smiling and stepping towards her. Fear flashed across Alice's eyes."No." She said harshly. "Um... Imean no thank you. I um... really appreciate your help." I watched Alice leave the clearing, and I tried tofollow her. She looked back, and her pace turned into a full frontal run. I decided that the cause was useless.

'My emotions for the first time pulsed with anger, and sadness. Standing in the clearing, I punched and pounded at the tree. I continued it until my knuckles ran with maroon liquid. I stopped punching and looked at my work. I realized that the tree's bark had been ripped off, and the tree was at an angle.

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