The Fight

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Wolf's Point of View

I quickly whipped my head around, and my fear was confirmed. They were following her; they are going to get her. I pushed forward, the harsh winds blowing back my fur. The night was closing in on me, making it easier for the other wolves to see her. They were faster than me, and there were more of them.  The dirt stung my eyes as I rushed forward, and my paws dragged against the ground. All of those things didn't stop me. I was in love.

A dense forest blocked my path, and I was forced to immediately halt. My paws skidded against the ground and a whirlwind of dust blocked my sight. I surveyed my surrounding and a little far ahead there was the clearing and a stream. I darted forward until I came to the murky stream, which I then leapt over and landed inside of the clearing. I only had about a mile left. The faster I ran the more my energy started to drain. And I knew I would be dead before I even made it to her house.

I pounced on the deer instantly, and cut its throat using my canines. I picked it up, and decided that I would have to eat the deer while running. As I ran farther, my teeth got a harder grip on its body and more blood poured into my mouth. At least this could give me a better chance. But, I still know it won't make me win. They eat humans, I eat animals. If they did anything to her, I would kill them all. Or I will die trying.

When I made it to the outskirts of the village, I dropped my deer and darted inside of the village. I could already see the wolves circling her, it made me more vicious. Her red hood had fallen off  and she was trying to inch towards her house without being noticed but the wolves were playing with her. I stopped for a second, who should I get? I should save her first. I jumped onto the girl, and pushed her back far enough for the wolves to eliminate their circle.

My brothers jumped onto my back, and I tried to fight them off but they wouldn't let go. My next was starting to go numb, and they dug farther into my fur with their claws. I could see my blood pouring out of my body and onto the girl under me.  One of my sisters tried retrieving the girl under me while she whispered inside my ear,

 "I told you we were watching you brother. You led us straight to the girl. We warned you this could happen if you get to close to humans. But, you didn't listen. I wonder how well kill her, maybe we will starve you for a week and leave you and her alone in a forest." That was it, I flexed my back and my brothers let go. Before they jumped back onto me I let out a deep and loud howl that was sure to wake up the entire village.

The pack started laughing at my attempt, but they did not notice the hunter standing right behind them. They were too distracted to notice that he was loading silver bullets into his brown gun. I stared in awe at him as he took out my entire pack with only a few bullets. By the time he was done the area around us was soaked with blood. I was waiting for the hunter to kill me, but he just chuckled under his breath. I looked at the hunter closer. He looked a lot like his daughter, with his strawberry blonde hair, and his innocent grey eyes. Although he had a few more masculine features such as a gruff chin and a great amount of stubble.

As the hunter approached me and his daughter, he leaned down to stare straight at me. But this time his innocent eyes were gone and they were replaced with serious eyes.

"If I see you again with my daughter, Alice, I promise I will hunt you down and kill you. Do you understand?" He asked me in a booming tone. He didn't let me respond, so I darted out of the village. However, I wanted to make sure she made it inside safely so I waited until her Father had picked her unconscious body up and carry it inside.

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