11 | cullen's

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Standing in front of the Cullen's, Kayla wasn't sure what to expect

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Standing in front of the Cullen's, Kayla wasn't sure what to expect. Most of the family were quite hostile but Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper seemed to warm up to her rather fast and for that, Bella was grateful. She did want a relationship with the Cullen's as they did mean a lot to her but the last thing she wanted was to get back together with Edward and she hoped he respected that.

"Where have you been Bella? You know with everything that's been happening, all we want is to keep you safe. You know you belong with us." Edward frowned. He could not understand why Bella had been hiding from him and why she was hanging out with Kayla. He knew she wasn't human but he couldn't figure out what she was and it was driving him crazy.

Bella sighed, "I've been at home or school and when I'm not doing there, I'm at the Rez with Kayla and the Pack. They have been keeping me safe and away from danger. I'm safe with them. As for who I spend my time with, isn't that up to me."

"Of course, we just missed you." Alice spoke with a pout. She wanted Bella back as her best friend and did not like the new girl that was hanging out with her. Bella belonged with their family and she hoped she would see the best place was with them.

Kayla scoffed, "Shouldn't she be able to make that choice for herself?" She did not like the way Alice and Edward were making themselves seem like victims and how they were trying to win Bella back over by making it seem she had nowhere else to go.

"And who the hell are you?" Edward glared.

Kayla wanted nothing more than to smack him in the face for disrespecting her but she knew there was a time and place for her powers and she wasn't ready to show any of them what she was capable of. She knew if they knew about her powers, they would force her to protect Bella and completely disregarded all the other human lives that are in danger too.

"I'm Kayla, a good friend of Bella's. You might not like me but you sure as hell don't know me. All I want, all the Pack wants, is to protect everyone from the blowback of what you caused. Because of you there's a vengeful vampire on the lose. We've already taken care of Laurent, now we'll take care of Victoria. We don't need anything from you so stay out of our way. We can protect Bella as we have been doing and we don't need your help." Kayla spoke firmly as she looked at Edward, daring him to say anything.

"We can look after Bella." Alice spoke up instead.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, "Why should we when the Pack and Kayla seem to have a handle on things?" She was not about to put her life on the line for the girl again, especially when it seemed like she was safe in the hands of the Pack.

Edward growled as he glared at her, "She's mine."

"Excuse me, I don't think so." Bella declared before continuing, "I don't want to get back together with you, I thought I made that clear. I'm safe with Kayla and the Pack. Where I choose to spend my time is up to me. If I want them to keep me safe, then that's what will happen, nothing you say will change that. I'm not the girl you left behind. I'm stronger and I get to choose how I spend my time or with who. I get to choose if I want you in my life and right now, I'm not sure I want to. You don't get to dictate my life." Edward, Alice, Esme and Carlisle looked at her in shock. Who was this girl? This was not the Bella they knew. On the other hand, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper looked at her with oddly proud smiles. Bella sure had changed but it most certainly was not a bad thing, especially watching her stand up to Edward.

"Bella." Esme gasped in shock as she stared at the girl.

Kayla rolled her eyes, "It was bound to happen. She's not under your influence anymore. She's an independent woman that is trying to figure out what she wants in life on her own. She's looking at colleges and has a better relationship with her parents. Being with you has been nothing but toxic and isolated her from the people that care about her. If she wants you to leave her alone, that's her choice."

"This is your fault. You did this to her." Edward screeched as he ran towards Kayla but Bella got in his way.

She glared at him, "This is not the way to get me back. I have told you, I want nothing to do with you. You trying to hurt the people I care about is only going to make me mad. Grow up or you will lose me for good. I'm still willing to be your friend but if you keep trying to control my life and who's in it, you will lose me."

Alice shot up from her seat, "You don't mean that. You belong together."

"Damn, Bella grew some balls." Emmett whopped while Rosalie and Jasper tried to hide their smirks.

"Why would you say something like that, Bella? We want you in our family." Esme spoke gently.

Kayla sighed heavily, "I think she's capable of making her own choices. Respect that please or you will lose her. She had every right to choose who she wants in her life. You left, she survived so she's allowed to decide who she wants in her life."

"This has nothing to do with you."

"Luckily for me, that's not for you to decide."

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