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The tracker that they placed on him seemed to be providing useful as John Walker ran right after his murder in the center of the square. They had found him in a abandon warehouse not too far away from Riga, still with the shield in hand, dripping with foreign blood that he spilt. He was in there for a few minutes before Vivian, Sam and Bucky showed up.

As the three crept towards the building, they could hear Johns murmuring and incessant gabbering about thing they couldn't understand until they heard screaming coming from inside.

They stepped in and saw John kneeled to the ground with the bloodied shield still on his arm, only a ways away from them. His forehead pressed to the top of the shield as he grieved.

Vivian understood sadly. She knew that if Bucky or Sam or even Natasha died in front of her, she would have done a lot worse then kill one man.

He lifted his head menacingly, knowing that they were here, cracking his neck to the side and muttering, "Time to go to work."

John stood up and started walking towards them as Sam said, "Walker.."

Bucky stood next to Vivian with Sam on his other side, standing a little ways in before her like he was trying to protect her even though he had seen first hand that she could handle herself and the two of them.

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good." He said like he didn't know why they were there in the first place.

"Stop, Walker," Sam said this time with more authority.

"What? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!" The blonde yelled at them.

"He didn't kill Lemar, Walker." Vivian said softly. Even though she didn't like or care for the man at all, she understood. But he killed some else. Someone not responsible for the death of his friend. He only scoffed though as she continued, "Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well."

"I'm not like you."

'Clearly.' The other three said in there minds.

"Listen, it was the heat of battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want any else to get hurt." While her friend was talking, both her and Bucky had their eyes trained on the glistening red on the edge of the shield, same as at the fountain.

"John.." There was silence for a second before he continued, "You gotta give me the shield, man."

Walker slowly looked up, Vivian recognizing the deranged glint in his eyes that she had seen her entire life from others. He looked between all of them one at a time, a ripple of disgust mixed with some form of fear rolled down her back.

"Oh...so that's what this is. You almost got me."

"You made a mistake." Sam was still trying to argue a more peaceful side to this.

"You don't want to do this."

Bucky was quiet for a second before saying, "Yeah, we do."

Then all hell broke lose.

The four of them ran at each other, punches and kicks able thrown back and forth. Sam was knocked down first by a kick to the stomach, from John obviously. He tried to do the same to Bucky but he didn't move, only holding onto the top of the shield for a second before trying to yank it from him. Vivian stood behind John, using the farming(?) equipment there for her to jump off of and onto his back.

Emotional Support Human > Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now