4 | galactica?

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Vivian walked around her apartment as she grabbed her bag and keys at her car. Once she had double checked everything, the tall African American looked to her living room carpet to see Bear, her big Rottweiler, staring back up at her as he chewed on a toy. Despite his types reputation as terrifying and vicious, Bear was the complete opposite, a big teddy bear. Hence the name.

"Ok, Bear, you be good. I'll be back later. You have food and everything. Mrs. Johnson said that she would check on you later." She kneeled down in front of the large dog, who scooted forward so that his head was leaned on her pant clad legs.

Bear was a trained service dog for multiple different things like anxiety, PTSD, blindness and others that could help anyone. She thought about introducing Bear to Bucky at some point but didn't know if he was ready to have a pet as she didn't know if that would trigger anything.

Vivian smiled at her dog once more before scratching his head and saying goodbye. Then she was out the door.


On her way to Bucky's apartment, she had grabbed coffee for the both of them, his being a black coffee with some cream while hers was a iced coffee with whipped cream. Vivian knocked on his door and waited for a respond, hearing a 'It's open' before coming in. The sounds of the tv were the first thing she heard. She turned the corner and saw Bucky sitting on the floor, his jaw clenched in anger as he watched whatever was on the tv.

She knew what he was watching and it wasn't good. Vivian set her things down, the drinks on the kitchen island, before asking, "You have got to turn that off."

"He has no right to carry that shield. He has know right to call himself Captain America. He had no right to gave that shield up in the first place!" Bucky said angrily as he stood up to grab his coffee. The black woman stood on the other side of the island as she watched Bucky drink his coffee, part of her hoping that he would be a little better after having some caffeine.

"Did you ever think that Sam had a good reason to gave up the shield?" She asked as she tried to reason with his.

"What could possibly make him gave up that shield?!" He yelled, most people would have flinched at the sound of the large man yelling but Vivian grew up with Fury as this didn't faze her. She just gave him her natural rest bitch look and said, "I don't know! Just don't beat yourself up at something you can't control."

"I'm not beating himself up about it. I'm gonna beat Sam up about this. And by the way, those chips you brought taste terrible." He said, his eyebrows pulled together more than they were naturally.

She looked at him in confusion for a second before asking, "What chips?"

He pointed to the large bowl at the end of the counter top and Vivian sucked in a laugh as she looked at the halfway empty bowl of pink and brown 'chips.'

"Bucky, those-those are potpourri. You're not supposed to eat them, you smell them." She pressed her lips together as she kept herself from laughing but was able to get a smile out.

Bucky looked at her in confusion this time before moving around the counter and grabbing the bowl with both hands. He looked at her once more before stuffing his face into the bowl and taking a big whiff. His face seemed to immediately soften as he looked back up at her.

Emotional Support Human > Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now