Chapter 6: Yeilding and Immortality

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Two hours prior to Annie walking through the portal:

Tony found MJ pacing back and forth.

"I'm sure he's fine MJ." Tony insisted.

"Its been over 4 months Tony. He's not coming back. Wong was right. I don't think he was joking. I think he was trying to calm me down, or he was scared of what I would do to him if it were true. Peters dead. Something in my heart tells me that I've lost my husband forever." MJ cried.

"Then Annie will just bring him back to life. She sure as hell has the power to and you know she'll do it." Tony assured MJ and she shook her head.

"Somethings wrong Tony." MJ insisted and Steve, Bucky, and Sam ran through the door.

"You bet your ass there is." Steve sighed.

"That's some pretty bad language Capt." Tony quipped and Steve snapped.

"This isn't the time! That alien freak is in the New York square demanding to see The Infinity Wielder. I'm assuming Annie has power over the stones somehow and that's who he's wanting, but the problem is she's nowhere to be seen." Steve explained and Tony looked bitter and then shook his head.

"Then I guess this is an Avengers battle. We may not be able to handle him, but we can sure as hell die trying." Tony responded and Steve nodded in agreement.

"So do you think we should stop and figure out a plan Buck?" Sam asked and Bucky elbowed him. "Don't friggin do that with your super soldier strength you little asshole!" Sam shouted.

"Just go gather the rest of the team!" Steve interrupted and Bucky and Sam left. Steve looked to Tony. "I became an old man for a few years and suddenly those two are acting like brothers. I mean I appreciate that Bucky had someone to rely on, but I'm getting tired of parenting two grown ass adults." Steve honestly stated.

"HIT ME AGAIN BUCK AND YOUR DEAD!!" Sam shouted in the distance and Steve let out a long sigh.

"I should probably just go do it myself." Steve said and then he ran out of the room. MJ shook her head as she was devastated and Tony saw her face and knew that she had to be right and a few tears filled his eyes.

"ON YOUR LEFT!" Steve shouted in the distance.

"OH COME ON!!" Sam reacted.....

Sam, Clint, Kate Bishop, Steve, Bucky, Tony, Nat, Thor, Pietro, Billy, Vision, and Logan all stood in a room.

"I'm just gonna give you all a heads up. MJ believes that Peter is gone. She thinks something's wrong and I know her as much as I know Peter. She genuinely feels this." Tony sighed.

"What are you saying? We should just accept that he's dead?" Nat asked in frustration.

"No, no, no. We can't just act this way. I mean Annie can bring him back, especially if she has the Infinity stones." Thor denied this reality.

"Look! All I know is that this is what MJ thinks. Now let's go kick this freaks ass and pray to God that Annie shows up. She said this fight was bigger than us. I trust that she meant it." Tony said and then everybody nodded in agreement.

"Lets go get this son of a bitch." Steve sighed.

"Oo watch your mouth Steve." Clint joked and Steve snapped his head towards him.

"You really think now's an appropriate time to do that shit?!" Steve shouted and Clint laughed.

"Man, I'm just trying to lighten the mood so we can go in with clear heads." Clint replied.

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