Chapter 4: Mistakes and Lies

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Peter walked in and saw Billy holding a baby's hand while the baby sat under some type of high tech heat lamp.  The baby was small but healthy and he was looking at Billy. Billy looked up to Peter and MJ and saw how proud all of them were.

"After we probably destroyed all chances of the Fantastic 4 helping, this is a pretty incredible end to a shitty day." Billy sighed.

"They're gonna help. They're actually all here." Peter revealed and Billy nodded as MJ went over and looked excited and emotional at the same time.

"Oh I just wanna scoop him up and squish him in my arms. I didn't think I was gonna last till May to begin with." MJ said this and Peter looked to her in confusion.

"Annie never said she was due in May." Peter pointed out and MJ looked like she was going to shit herself. Peter raised an eyebrow. "M?" MJ slowly looked to him and tried to act like she didn't say anything.

"Yeah babe?" MJ sighed awkwardly.

"Are you pregnant?" Peter asked and MJ shook her head but was quite obviously lying. "M?" Peter tried to sound a little stern and then MJ spilled.

"I found out a month ago that I was 2 months along. We have a baby due on May 4th." MJ said this and Peters eyes filled with tears as he couldn't help but smile.

"I can't believe two incredible things just happened on such a shitty day." Peter laughed and Billy nodded in agreement.

"It will be weird though that Richie's uncle will be the same age as him." Billy said and Peter turned to him in confusion.

"Who?" Peter asked.

"Your grandson, Richard Benjamin Parker....Richie." Billy replied and Peter let several tears fall.

"I almost forgot she was gonna name him that." Peter sighed.

"YOU DID FORGET." MJ snapped back.

"I mean it would be odd, but we're a super hero family, being odd is kind of our specialty." Peter changed the subject and Tony decided to make a dark joke.

"Unless Annie looses her shit and puts all of us in a hex to protect us from the crazy dude and then forces your unborn kid to grow up like Wanda did when Morlun came after all of you." Tony joked and everybody turned to him in frustration. "I could see why the current situation would make that joke entirely unfunny."

"Not to mention it's highly inappropriate considering my mom broke out of prison two days ago." Billy said and then he slapped his hand to his mouth instinctively and Peter looked to Billy in a pissed off way.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Peter shouted and Richie started crying.

"It's not like she can do anything to her." Billy pointed out and just then Pietro walked in.

"But she can." Pietro sighed.

"Where the hell have you been?" Peter snapped.

"I'm sorry. Two hours ago I was all the way in Russia investigating my sisters prison break. Was my super speed not fast enough for you?" Pietro replied and Vision walked in as Peter kind of awkwardly looked away. MJ walked over to Richie and started humming and holding his finger and he soon stopped crying. Just then the doctor came in followed by Richard and Mary.

"Oh son of a bitch. I said direct family only. Stark you are of no relation to this child." The doctor pointed out and it pissed Tony off.

"That is my great grandchild asshole." Tony snapped.

"No it's not." Richard snapped back.

"Richard I will fucking cut you. I helped raise Annie. I helped raise little May and you can bet your ass that I intend on assisting with raising this one. He may be named after you but damnit, I've earned this." Tony pointed out.

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