Chapter 1: Secrets and Family

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Hey guys, so this WILL be my last Spider-Man Fan Fiction. It's time for me to step away from the wonderful MCU and the Spiderverse and go forth to another area of pop culture. I will give you a warning though. This book is called "No Way Back" for a very important reason. It doesn't just represent story. This story is going to be unlike any of the stories I have done before. Unlike the first two series, the sacrifices made have REAL consequences, and so have the sacrifices that have already been made in this series thus far. The title also represents that after the way this book and series has ended it would be too difficult to ever go back to writing Spider-Man. Peter Parker and Annie have become my favorite characters that I have ever written. As you read this, keep in mind that it may be very hard to read at times, but it was even harder for me to write. Here's a hint: The "Jenny Of Oldstones" reference from the last book has REAL meaning in this book. And for those of you who have read all three Spidey series that I have written, there are a couple of treats in here.  But to all of you Marvel fans who have read even one word of my writing, it has been a pleasure, and please try to enjoy this epic ending to my journey. Good luck guys.

WARNING: The following content involves violence that could be considered unfit for readers under the age of 13.  Readers discretion is advised.

Annie sat in the middle of the meeting room as everybody was arguing about what was going on. They were all deciding on how they should handle what was happening. Peter noticed that Annie had constantly been thinking about things and he clearly didn't know what to say or how to even feel. But Carol insisted on leading the group of the beyond angry Avengers.

"We can't just stand back and let this attack go unhandled!" Nat insisted.

"That's exactly what we have to do! The Skrulls froze this thing for a reason. Every time they killed the freak it came back eventually because of his stupid power rod. Even without the power rod it has built up enough tolerance to resurrect constantly. Nobody can defeat it because it's immortal at this point. Nobody can stop it, and even if they do, eventually it will come for them again. We have to run. All of us. We have to hide everyone that we can." Carol said as her voice shook as she was clearly uncharacteristically terrified.

"Carol I'm sorry, but where the hell are we supposed to hide?" Bruce snapped and Carol went over and grabbed Professor Hulk's arms and she was in a slight panic.

"WE HAVE TO HIDE FROM IT!!!!" Carol shouted and Annie shook her head and got up and walked over to Carol and Carol put her arms around Annie. "You have to hide more than anybody." Carol cried towards Annie and then Annie put her hand on Carol's head and her hand started to glow purple and then Carol immediately calmed down. Carol parted and all of the panic she previously had was gone.

"What did you do?" Nat asked in slight worry and Annie shook her head.

"Everybody just sit down. Stop arguing. Stop being ridiculous." Annie sighed in frustration and Peter raised and eyebrow as everyone slowly found a seat. "While Carol is partially correct, the rest of what she was saying was being influenced by this things power." Annie was clearly tired.

"That's absurd." Carol snapped.

"No it's not. Annhilus is able to use a power known as fear projection. He can instill fear in just about anyone, and the only people who are mute to it are the ones who are able to free a person from the use of that power. He's also not stupid so I assume he was watching you when you landed on that planet. You don't let your emotions get the best of you, and yet you came in as an emotional wreck. I freed you from his grasp." Annie explained and Carol realized Annie was right.

"What are you going to do? You can't defeat him, and even if you do," Carol started to say and then Annie shook her head.

"I don't know what I'm going to do.  He's after the power cosmic, as he has been since he lost his wife. Korvac once rebirthed his wife but Annhilus had lost his mind so much that he thought it was a trick and he destroyed his wife and she was dead yet again. Not saying I blame him for not believing Korvac but still. This isn't a question of power this time. It's not a question of tactics, or brute, or skill, or who all we can get to defeat him. This time is different. Annhilus almost conquered the universe once with one wave of power. He acquired the very powers I have, and much worse than Thanos, he was going to take over everything and make people suffer. Thanos was trying to do what was right, so was Korvac. Galactus just wanted to further his family line, which is kind of understandable even though he did it in a very perverted way. We can't permanently destroy Annhilus, which means that even when we do, he'll be back. The only thing we can do at this point is protect, in the same way the Avengers always have. But here's the rub." Annie sighed and everybody looked to her in genuine worry. "We have to protect me. He controls cosmic level powers, which means that he can control me. This is bad. This is very, very bad. And if he doesn't come after me, we can be damn sure that he will be after May."

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