Going home

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The wedding was beautiful (Rapunzel insisted that the Equestria Girls be her bridesmaids, with Sunset as maid of honor), and Rapunzel and Stefan moved into a castle of their own. Everything seemed perfect. 

Except for one thing...

"We don't know how to get back home," Twilight finally said for her friends. 

The subject they'd all been avoiding. 

"The paintbrush is destroyed, though," Rapunzel pointed out. "Not to mention that it's back at the tower. 

Pinkie thought for a moment. 

"Sunset, check your pocket," she said. 

"Why?" Sunset asked. 

"Because if I remember correctly..." Pinkie said, and Sunset dug into her pocket and pulled out a scarlet paintbrush. 

"Of course!" Rapunzel gasped. "There were two paintbrushes when we found mine."

"How could I have forgotten?" Sunset stared at the brush in awe. "But what if it's not magic? What if it stays here for good? What if we stay here for good?"

"There's no harm in trying," Pinkie said. 

"Sunset, art is your thing," Twilight reassured her. "I'm sure you can get us back to where we were: in your apartment, sitting around the TV."

Sunset stared at the brush in her hand, then turned to an open wall. 

"If I can," she said, and Rapunzel nodded. 

She took a deep breath and started thinking of her apartment, projecting it in her mind. And slowly, she started painting the scene in her head. 

"Looks just like it," Pinkie gave Sunset a thumbs up. 

"Now to see if it works," Sunset said, and she pressed her hand against the painting, watching it sink in. 

"It works," Rainbow Dash said. Sunset turned to Rapunzel. 

"If you need us, we'll be past this painting," she said. "I won't forget you. I promise."

"I won't forget you either," Rapunzel said. "You were the first person I could share my love of painting with. Gothel never seemed to understand why I loved it. But you did."

Sunset didn't move as her friends disappeared in the painting. 

"You coming?" Twilight asked. 

Sunset didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to, taking in the detail of the room so she'd remember. 

"Hopefully we'll meet again," Sunset said, slipping through the painting and reappearing in her apartment, looking at the wall she'd just crossed worlds through as the credits on the TV came on.  Sunset's friends were all watching the TV with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked, sitting with them. 

"Well..." Pinkie took the remote and rewound it, revealing the scene where they all disappeared through the painting. 

"What?" Sunset nearly fell backwards. "It remembered?"

"Apparently," Rainbow Dash said. "It could also do with how you're still holding that paintbrush."

Sunset looked down and saw the scarlet brush still locked in her hand. 

"It could be useful," she muttered. "What's next?"

Pinkie went to the stack of Barbie movies she'd brought, taking the one on top of the pile.

Barbie of Swan Lake.

The Barbie Adventure II: Barbie as RapunzelWhere stories live. Discover now