A magical paintbrush?

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The next day, Rapunzel peered over and saw Penelope and Hobe hauling up a basket filled with red liquid. 

"We brought you something!" Hobe announced, and they squeezed through the window.

Penelope slid the basket over to Rapunzel and Sunset. Rapunzel picked it up. 

"It's so you can get back to painting," Penelope said. "There would've been more if Mr. Berry-eater hadn't gotten to so many!"

"It was snack time!" Hobe complained. 

"I... don't know what to say," Rapunzel said. 

"How about thank you," Sunset said. "You guys didn't have to do this."

"Well, since you're stuck up here, and you two like art, and you lost all your work, we figured we could help you get started," Penelope said, then gasped. "We're missing the paintbrushes."

Hobe turned to the windowsill, picking up the crystal and scarlet paintbrushes. 

"I swear these used to be the hairbrush!" he exclaimed, handing the girls the brushes. 

"I'll... wait a little," Sunset said, pocketing the scarlet brush. 

"Dip in!" Penelope encouraged, and Rapunzel gently dipped her crystal brush into the berry paint, turning to the wall. She stroked the brush across the wall, and as if by magic, it glowed, and a sky appeared on the wall. 

"How did that happen?" Penelope asked in awe. 

"I don't know," Rapunzel said. "I was just thinking of the blue sky and... hold on a second..."

She swept the brush across the wall again, and rolling hills appeared. 

"Now I imagined the greenery," Rapunzel said. "It's like this is magic or something."

"You think?" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

Rapunzel kept painting, revealing the village she, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie had been in yesterday. 

"Woah," Applejack said. "Am I seeing things correctly?" 

"I know I am," Twilight said, adjusting her glasses. "These things are crystal clear."

"Huh," Sunset held her brush. "These could be useful someday."

That's when Penelope accidentally knocked Hobe off the stool, knocking him... halfway through the painting?

"What the..." Rapunzel pulled out Hobe from the painting. "Nothing happened to you."

"Um, he just nearly fell through a wall," Twilight said. "How is that nothing happening?"

Rapunzel walked closer to the painting she just created. She pushed her hand into the art, and pulled out a bluebird.

"I have a good feeling about this," Rapunzel said, and turned to the Equestria Girls. "Wanna come?"

"Into the paint?" Rarity cringed. "Are you sure it won't ruin my dress?"

"It hasn't ruined mine," Rapunzel gestured to her sleeve, and sure enough, there wasn't any paint on it. "Come on!"

And so, Rapunzel and the Equestria Girls disappeared from the tower into the village. 

"Woah," Rapunzel breathed. 

"So, let me get this straight," Applejack shook her head. "You can paint portals now?"

"It seems that way," Rapunzel kept a tight grip on her paintbrush, seeing Stefan running up to them. 

The Barbie Adventure II: Barbie as RapunzelWhere stories live. Discover now