Chapter 13 - Tell me Lies

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We sat in that black car, neither one of us saying anything. I glanced over at Sawyer nervously, but then I quickly directed my gaze back out of the car's window to see if Jack or anybody else was following us. The warrior that was driving the car was doing so pretty fast, definitely over the speed limit, but that was the smallest one of our problems right now. How could this happen? How could I let this happen, especially on a day like this that should have ended up being oh so perfect, but now, it had turned into a nightmare. 

Because Sawyer knew. 

I mean no, he didn't actually know, but he had heard all these words, the phrases and I couldn't think of anything to excuse it with that wouldn't make me seem crazy. I nervously played with my hands and tried not to let the tears that were burning in my eyes fall or have my mate see them and feel guilty or just... bad. Why did everything have to suck? Why couldn't the universe just give me and Sawyer this one evening, these few hours? Why did they have to take him away from me? It just... it wasn't fair! We liked each other, we did and now Jack was ruining everything for me! 

I knew I had to tell Sawyer. I didn't know how I would do it, but he deserved an explanation. And if he decided to call me crazy and leave, I wouldn't blame him. I would just... mourn my loved one. My mate. Oh goddess... please don't let it get to that! I beg you! I just couldn't believe this was happening. And I wasn't blaming the warriors that had interrupted our date, they were just doing their job and I was thankful that they kept us safe, I would rather lose my mate because he didn't want me, than through him getting hurt. I would like to not lose him at all, but that seemed impossible at the moment. 

We drove through the big gates of our territory and the car brought us through the pack right to the big packhouse where Asher and the rest were probably waiting for us to make sure we were alright. He probably guessed that some information came through when the warriors told him they had to remove us from the scene immediately or else we would have gotten hurt, so I didn't know if he would try to play it off or if he knew there was no use in doing that and making sure we would stay safe in the future was just more important right now than to feed Sawyer with some stupid lie he probably wouldn't believe anyway. I mean I could tell him that we were just a cult, but I didn't want that, I didn't want to lie to him, when I knew I should be honest with him. He deserved it. He deserved to know everything before he would... d-dump me. 

We pulled up to the packhouse and the guards quickly brought us inside, shielding us just in case somebody had managed to follow us. I looked over at Sawyer, who seemed a bit frightened and confused, but he looked at me and just gave me a nod, as if to show that it would be ok. I knew that it wouldn't, but it was nice of him to still believe in me. Inside we walked towards the living room, in silence, well the warriors brought us there to meet the others. Asher, Riley, Cecilia, my parents, Pax and Jasper stood there and they all turned to look at us when we entered, relief flashing on their faces, while Asher looked at me, arms crossed, still worried because he knew this was not just over with us being here. And then there was the problem with Sawyer, who didn't know what was going on, but would soon enough. 

"Oh my baby! Thank god you are ok!!" my mother breathed, rushing my way and hugging me and I hugged her back, because I really needed some comfort right now. I was about to lose my mate after all. My dad hugged me as well, kissing my head and looking up towards the sky, whispering "Thank goddess...He didn't catch you." Oh if only Jack would be my biggest problem right now. I mean logically speaking he was, he was a threat to my life after all, but I couldn't think about anything other than my mate, even now. "And you are ok too....I'm so relieved" my mom said, brushing over Sawyer's cheek as if she wanted to apologize to him, but he just showed her a weak smile, because he still didn't know what was going on. My parents wiped their tears away and my friends hugged me as well, just Asher looked out of the window. He seemed mad. 

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