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when i finally got back home, all three boys were sitting in the living rooms, their attention solely on their phones.

"i'm back and better than ever," i announced dramatically as i tossed my keys on the counter and walked into the living room.

"hey," they all said halfheartedly.

"my, what a lively bunch you are," i said, trying to get a response.

karl raised his head slightly, still not looking away from his phone and nick made some weird noise in response.

i rolled my eyes and jumped over the back of the couch, landing beside karl.
"so," i said, "the meeting was horrible and i've lost the company and all my money. also i'm being sued."

that got their attention. "what?!" nick yelled. "how?!"

"wait what happened?" dream asked.

"are you okay?" karl added.

i gave them a bright smile. "i'm perfect now that you guys are paying attention to me. i did not lose my company or my money and i'm not being sued."

"you're a brat," nick said, throwing a pillow at me.

i ducked and winked at him. "i know i am. actually, the company's doing great and we're making a new department for our new business. i've got to meet with a lawyer for a consultation on wednesday, so we're going to have to reschedule our seaworld trip."

"that's fine," karl said. "me, nick and dream can stream that day instead of thursday."

"wonderful idea, karl," i said happily. "now, let me change out of this awful outfit and we can be on our way."

"where are we going?"
dream asked.

"it's a surprise," i told him.

"thalia, i hate your surprises," nick groaned.

"nobody asked," i replied, making my way upstairs.

once i was wearing ripped jeans, my favorite nasa t-shirt and black vans, i pulled my hair into a messy bun and ran downstairs.

"let's go," i announced.

all three boys got up and grumbled as they made their way to my car, fighting over who got shotgun.

dream ended up winning, simply because he got there first.

"karl, make sure you wear a seatbelt. thalia drives like a street racer," nick warned him.

"noted," karl said, buckling up. "this'll be fun."

"of course it will be," i said, trying to hide my smile.

"will you tell us where we're going now?" dream asked.

"nope," i responded immediately. "that would ruin the surprise."

as i drove us to the surprise location, we made easy small talk. while nick and karl were engaged in a very deep conversations about something i knew nothing of, i glanced over at dream. he was staring out the window and humming something under his breath.

𝑻𝐇𝐄 𝑵𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒━━ 𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘯𝘢𝘱Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora