~Part 6~

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Jimin was cold to him the rest of the day. He didn't talk to him, look at him, or speak to him. Every time Jungkook tried, Jimin would purposefully get distracted with something else or change the subject and dismiss himself. Even when he was trying to be casual with him, Jimin was awkward and wouldn't look at him; always making excuses to leave or go talk to another member.

It was as though last night had never happened and Jimin was treating him exactly the way he would have after seeing him kiss the award. Like he was utterly disgusted with him.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. Jimin seemed fine with it when he was drunk. If only he would remember what a wonderful night they had together. They snuggled and held hands and Jimin had even asked him to kiss him. That wasn't a dream right? No! He knew it wasn't. It was just that Jimin didn't remember any of it ever happened. It was starting to make Jungkook feel like it never had.

He was heartbroken. As time went on it truly began to feel like it was only a dream. Like he had just made it all up in his head. He was so lost. He spent the first couple of days begging the gods to help Jimin remember, but he never did. He kept praying, this time promising that he would do anything if only Jimin would at least talk to him. Jungkook even promised to try and stop liking him if that was what it took. Being friends with Jimin was better than being ignored by him.

It was February 2nd, and four days had passed with no progress. Jimin was still not talking to him. He wasn't necessarily mean just absent and unavailable. Jungkook still didn't know what to do or how to fix it. He thought of countless scenarios in his mind where he would find a way to talk to Jimin and everything would be okay. 

He would do anything it took to make it right. He wouldn't even bring up all the stuff that happened between them that night. He would just apologize for kissing the trophy and tell him that it didn't mean anything. It would be a lie, but it didn't matter as long as he and Jimin could go back to the way things used to be.

The only problem was that the longer they went without talking the harder it was to say anything to him. He had been brushed aside and rejected so many times for attempting to talk to him that he had lost all courage to even try to approach him.

One night, after all their schedule had been completed for the day, he and the members finally arrived at the dorm. He went straight to his and Namjoon's room, and flopped face first onto his bed.

It had a bunch of stuff on it from him scrambling to get ready that morning. Clothes, a couple pairs of headphones, and his Timberlines fell to the ground as he shifted around uncomfortably. Jimin would usually wake him up, but he had stopped ever since the night Jungkook kissed the award.

Jungkook had been spending a lot of time in his own room recently because he hadn't been going to Jimin, Hobie, and Tae's room since he and Jimin weren't talking. He groaned into the pillow. He wanted to cry. Maybe that would make him feel better. 

He had about 30 minutes of downtime before the food they ordered would arrive. He didn't feel like eating, though. He hadn't had much of an appetite because he almost always felt sick to his stomach with how much he missed Jimin. Nothing had ever hurt so much.

He wished they could just talk. If they didn't agree on something they had always been able to come to an understanding no matter what it was, but not this time. He had messed up. His feelings were the problem and he didn't know how to get rid of them.

Namjoon entered the room. His bed creaked as he sat down on it. "Hey kiddo, is everything okay? You seem down..." He paused. "And you have been spending a lot of time in here, lately."

Jungkook sighed into his pillow, ignoring the first question because everything was not okay. "This is my room isn't it?" He didn't want to be disrespectful, but he just didn't have the energy to fake pleasantries.

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