~Part 3~

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A couple days later in the practice studio, Jungkook began conducting a silent experiment with the other members without them knowing. He decided to do it after Hobie made a comment to him and Jimin.

They had just been hanging out and talking as usual, well, they had both been in a really good mood that day and were maybe goofing off a bit, but Hobie had said something along the lines of 'can you two keep your hands off each other for one second so we can get some work done?'

At the time he had become really shy, thinking that he had been too overbearing and was bothering Jimin. Later, however, when he thought about it again, he remembered Hobie saying that both of them couldn't keep their hands to themselves. That could only mean that Jimin was touching him too, right?

He felt like they had gotten closer ever since they returned from Busan, but Jungkook wasn't positive. Jungkook was hyper aware of every time Jimin touched him or visa versa, but he had no concept of the frequency at which it happened. To him no matter how much they touched it was never enough so he couldn't really see it objectively. It could just be wishful thinking on his part.

That was why he had been conducting the experiment between the members. Usually, he wasn't the type to pay much attention to his other hyungs, but he wanted to know if he and Jimin really 'couldn't keep their hands off each other'. If that were true maybe he actually had a chance with him. At the very least it would mean that Jimin liked touching him and that was a start.

It was a very important task and he watched everyone closely, keeping mental track of when, how often, and who touched who. He tried to notice every detail, not wanting to miss a thing. It was harder when they filmed stuff because he had to pay more attention to what they were doing in order to not look like an idiot on camera. It was much easier to notice stuff when they weren't filming, and he was beginning to think that was a more important time to pay attention. Everyone was most casual with each other when the cameras weren't around.

He ended up making a diagram of his findings in a note on his phone. Over a couple weeks he was able to give a rating to every member based on how touchy they were. One was not ever wanting to be touched and ten was borderline harassment.

He gave Namjoon and Yoongi 3's and Jin got a 4. Their interaction seemed pretty standard with everyone, not really giving any one member any particular attention. The other four members, he gave joint rankings depending on who they were with. Hobie and himself got a 4. Tae and himself got a 5. Hobie and Jimin got a 6. Jimin and Tae got a 6. Hobie and Tae got 7. And Jimin and himself got an 8, maybe a 9.

He went over the data again and again, hoping it was true. Could it really be that Jimin and himself had that much contact? Jimin had gotten a pretty high score with Hobie and Tae because he was an affectionate person, but Jungkook was still surprised at his and Jimin's score.

He could only conclude that Hobie was right and that they 'couldn't keep their hands to themselves'. It gave him hope about the future and made him wonder what else he would be able to get away with when it came to Jimin.

It was January 28th and it had been almost a month since his and Jimin's trip to Busan. They were all at an award show. BTS's table was pretty close to the front, and by some slick maneuvering on his part Jungkook was able to sit next to Jimin. They couldn't really talk much because it was so loud, but it was always worth sitting by him on the off chance they could interact or even share a water bottle for an indirect kiss.

Lately, Jungkook had been thinking about kissing him a lot. So whether it be a drink or even something to eat, if Jimin took a bite or a sip or something, Jungkook would try his damndest to get the next one. There were plenty of water bottles on the table, but he often purposefully 'forgot' about his own so he could drink after his hyung. Jimin didn't seem to care that Jungkook was always drinking after him, which was good, in a way, because he didn't tell him to stop. On the other hand, it was bad, because it meant he wasn't really thinking about it.

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