~Part 1~

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It was January 3rd, 2015 and there was no point in denying it anymore. It was scary because he didn't know what was going to happen in the future, but pretending surely wouldn't get him anywhere. It was a new year, he was 19, and Jungkook had decided that he would finally be honest with himself. He wasn't really sure what he was going to do or even what he wanted to do, but the first step was to admit it. 

Jungkook had a massive crush on his best friend and bandmate, Park Jimin.

The way he figured he had a few options. First, he could confess his feelings and see how Jimin would react. This was the least desirable option and by far the most terrifying. He knew that Jimin really liked him as a person because they were best friends and practically attached at the hip, but the idea of coming straight out and saying that he liked him was beyond nerve racking. 

He didn't think Jimin would hate him because of his feelings, but he wasn't sure if he could handle a rejection right now. After all, he had only just been able to admit to himself that he liked him as more than a friend. If a confession didn't go well Jimin would probably ask him to stop liking him so they could keep being friends. He wasn't ready to give up on his feelings yet. So confessing at this point was out.

Next potential option; he could just continue being friends with him and wait to see what happened. This was probably the easiest option. They already spend loads of time together and maybe if he was lucky there would be some defining moment that would tell him what he should do. Along with this option there was the possibility that he would eventually just stop liking him all together, and not have to do anything about these feelings. Though, he thought that possibility seemed pretty slim. While he was in the mood to be admitting things to himself, he thought he had probably been falling for Jimin for months, maybe longer than that.

The third and final option was that he could try and get Jimin to like him back. This was also a scary option considering he didn't really know how to flirt and he had never tried to get a person to like him.

Jungkook pulled his phone out of his pocket to get on the internet, unconsciously settling on the last option. He searched 'How to get someone to like you back'. He figured he didn't have to mention they were both guys, and that he could get pretty general information if he searched a couple different sources.

As he scrolled through articles he made a mental note of similarities. Being around your crush. Making eye contact with your crush. Subtlety touching your crush. Being genuinely interested in things your crush is interested in. Being yourself.

Jungkook sighed after the fourth article. All of that was good advice to be sure, but it seemed like they were specifically for people who didn't know each other very well. As if Jimin was some acquaintance and not already his best friend. After all, he already did everything listed in the articles.

He was always around Jimin. They had a lot of the same interests already, both being idols; music, dancing, performing. And if there was anyone in this world that Jungkook was truly himself with, it was Jimin.

He guessed the only two things he could try more of was eye contact and touching. They looked at each other all the time when they were talking, but maybe he could work on that. He found himself looking at Jimin often even when they weren't talking. He couldn't really help himself. Jimin was just so handsome and cute and funny and interesting. Sometimes Jimin would almost catch him staring at him and he would have to immediately look away because he didn't want to get caught. If he could maintain eye contact during those times for a bit, Jimin might get the hint. 

It was a scary thought. Jimin made him nervous at the best of times. His eyes were so beautiful and intense. Jungkook wasn't sure how long he would be able to hold eye contact with him. Maybe he could give it a shot.

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