~Part 4~

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Jungkook changed into more casual clothes in a blur and walked through the building on autopilot. He was trying to figure out what to do, but nothing was coming to him. With every step he only got closer and closer to having to see Jimin again. What was he going to say to him?

All of a sudden, he was out in the front of the venue and the van that was taking them out to eat was right in front of him. He wasn't prepared. Before he could even think where to sit, Namjoon pushed on his back, directing him to the last row. The seat closest to the door was unoccupied so he sat in it. 

It was next to Jimin.

Jungkook felt his face drain of all color. He was determined to look anywhere else in the car other than at his hyung. He stared straight ahead, sitting awkwardly because he still had his backpack on his back. As the door to the van closed, he took his bag off and put it on the ground between his legs. He tried desperately to put some space between himself and Jimin, but there was no room. They were shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, knee to knee. His stomach turned over into little knots with anxiety.

Jimin was quiet. He shifted in his seat like he also wanted to put some space between them. Jungkook knew instantly that Jimin was uncomfortable. He wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go. He squeezed his eyes shut, his heart was pounding. The tension between them mounting as ever second ticked by. Jungkook almost couldn't breath with how suffocating it became. They were like rubber bands pulled too tight and ready to break.

Everyone else in the van was still talking excitedly about the award show, their victory, and the upcoming meal. Everyone except Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook leaned over towards the window so at least their shoulders weren't touching. He needed some relief, anything to dispel the awkwardness. He chewed on his lips and twisted the award, nervously in his hands. Then he looked down at it, only just then realizing that he was still holding it. The smoking gun, and he was the criminal. 

He looked over at Jimin involuntarily. Jimin was also looking at the award in his lap, but feeling Jungkook's eyes on him, he suddenly began lifting his gaze. Before they made eye contact Jungkook whipped his head around so fast he could have broken his neck. He was such an idiot. Why did he have to kiss the stupid award!

"Hey! Where's the trophy? Someone better have grabbed it!" Yoongi yelled from the front seat.

"I don't have it." Jin said.

"Mean either." Tae and Hobie called in unison.

Jungkook tried to speak but had completely lost his voice. Abruptly, Jimin reached over and wrenched it out of the death grip he had it in.

"We have it!" He announced to the van, his voice sounded a bit strange, like he choked on the words a little. He lifted it up to try and hand it off to someone else.

"Oh ok. Just don't lose it." Namjoon said over his shoulder from the second row.

Jimin slowly lowered it back down as if he didn't want to keep it, and would have preferred someone had taken it from him.

Jungkook wanted to scream. He couldn't read Jimin's mind, but if he had to guess, it was probably something along the lines of how he didn't want to be holding the trophy. The trophy he had seen Jungkook kissing after him, like some kind of pervert. What the hell was wrong with me? Jungkook thought about himself.

Right before they got to the restaurant, Jimin leaned over and spoke. It was the first time he'd said anything to him since they had been in the car. "Hey... ummm. After we eat, when we get back, I'm... I'm pretty tired so..."

"Got it." Jungkook said quickly, before Jimin could finish his sentence. Jungkook kept staring forward, not wanting to look at him.

Usually, he would hang out with Jimin in his, Hobie's, and Tae's room every night before everyone went to sleep, but Jimin had just officially uninvited him. He obviously didn't want to be around a gross person like Jungkook. 

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