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For someone like Lolade, Jesse only needed to explain once before the understood the basics of a phone. Jesse had taught her how to use every app and feature on the phone. From the settings to how to brighten the phone and put it on silent mode.

He was installing some apps on her phone while he glanced at her and raised an eyebrow.

"You want another cup of ice cream?" He asked as Lolade swallowed her saliva.

"Can I have one more?" Lolade asked in a small voice as Jesse cocked an eyebrow at her.

"You've had two cups already. That's enough" Jesse replied as Lolade unconsciously pouted.

"You said to tell you if I wanted anything" Lolade murmured but Jesse heard her as he stared at her incredulously.

"Is this you using my words against me?" Jesse asked as Lolade quickly shook her head.

"Two cups of ice cream is not good for your teeth. Two cups is enough" Jesse added as Lolade pouted again.

"I haven't had ice cream this year and after today I don't know when I'll have it again. Can't I just have one more?" Lolade asked as Jesse chuckled.

"Let's make a deal" he said as Lolade turned to him.

"Whenever you want to take ice cream, you'll call me and I'll bring you out to take ice cream or you have an extra cup now. You have two options" Jesse said as Lolade stared at him wide eyed.

She gulped quietly as she tried to process what Jesse had said.

"As long as I want to take ice cream, I just have to call you and you'll bring me out to take it?" Lolade asked as Jesse nodded.

"Yeah" Jesse replied.

Lolade wringled her hands together underneath the table. The butterflies in her stomach went into the active mode again and she tried to stop herself from smiling.

"You said so yourself" Lolade said as Jesse laughed lightly.

"Deal" Jesse said as he handed over the phone back to Lolade.

"So I've installed all those apps. I also sent you data as well so you can chat me up on WhatsApp too. I added myself too" Jesse said as Lolade nodded scrolling through her phone will Jesse continued working on her tab and laptop.

She opened her WhatsApp and realized that only one of her contacts was on WhatsApp and that Jesse.

She clicked on his profile picture to see a picture of longs legs and a pair of sneakers. Lolade didn't need to glance twice to know who the owner of the long legs and sneakers was.

It was just a picture of legs and sneakers yet she couldn't stop herself from fawning over it. She quickly turned slightly away from Jesse and screenshoted the picture.

She also clicked on his about and chuckled at the one-worded bio.


She closed her WhatsApp page and scrolled through the apps as she clicked on YouTube. She clicked on the first video and a music video started playing. The language was strange yet familiar at the same time but Lolade absolutely liked the way the words rolled off.

What was more, there were seven different boys singing and Lolade soon found herself glued to the video. They looked way too alike and at a point, she thought it was just one person singing and wearing different costumes until she started paying attention and realized that they were totally different people.

The video ended and Lolade clicked on the next video. Elated at the fact that it was yet another video of the same boys, she continued watching it.

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