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Jesse walked into his room carrying a tray of sliced watermelons. At a corner of his room was piled up gifts that had collected earlier that day.

Beside the piled up boxes were other wrapped boxes that hadn't been opened. He sat down across his computer system and tapped the space button, the video that was playing on the desktop resumed playing and while watching the video, he brought a slice of watermelon to his mouth.

Need to Know by Doja Cat drifted towards his ears and Jesse turned towards his bed seeing the phone lying meters away from him, with the screen flashing while the song playing.

Ignoring it, he turned back towards his desktop and resumed watching the video. Just as the music stopped playing, it started playing again, this time around, he didn't bother turning and continued watching the video totally ignoring the ringing the phone.

When the phone continued ringing for the third time, Jesse turned towards the phone with a perplexed expression before dropping the plate of watermelon on the table and walked towards the phone.

Seeing it was unknown number, he furrowed his brows and picked the call while pressing the phone to his ears.

"Hello" a voice drifted into his ears and Jesse's furrowed brows loosened on their own while his eyes widened in slight surprise.

"Ade?" He asked as if unsure.

"You didn't pick my calls on time" the latter complained as Jesse chuckled lightly while jumping on his bed.

"Sorry. I had to use the restroom" Jesse replied not failing the notice the complain in her small voice.

"Oh" she said still quietly.

"So you started using your phone already?" Jesse asked.

"Yes. Nifemi helped me put my sim in it. I don't know how to handle a lot of the features but I certainly know to call someone on a phone" she replied and Jesse laughed lightly.

"That wasn't what I meant though" Jesse replied as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry" he added as he heard silence at the other side.

"Ade?" He called when he received no answer.

"If you want me to forgive you, you need to help me" she replied and Jesse sat up on his bed, an amused smile on his lips.

"Okay. What is it?" Jesse asked.

"First, I honestly don't know a lot of things about my phone. I don't think I can even open my laptop and my tab. I want you to teach me" She replied as Jesse smile widened.

"That's all?" He asked again.

"No. My friend wants to start a blog and a YouTube Channel. None of us know how to do that too" she replied as Jesse raised an eyebrow.

"A blog and a YouTube Channel?" He asked.

"En. You don't know how to do it?" She asked in reply and Jesse burst into laughter.

"What's funny?" She asked and Jesse stopped laughing.

"Of course I know how to do it" Jesse replied.

"And I need a little bit of help too" she added in a smaller voice.

"On how to use your prize money?" Jesse asked as she went silent for a while.

"Ehn" she replied as Jesse smiled.

"No problem. I want you to forgive me so naturally I'll help you" Jesse said as he stood up and walked towards his computer.

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