𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐀𝟖

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Minho pushed open the door without hesitation. Your eyes widened at the scene before you, and a gasp slipped through your lips.

There was utter destruction, bodies everywhere, blood on the walls and floor.

"What the shuck happened?" Minho voiced all your thoughts.

You walked down the hallway, to a room in the same with many monitors. One caught your eye ... because it was flashing with the words Y/N - Subject A8: The Warrior.

You went over to the screen, clicking on the banner with the above words. Newt came around to rest his chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist. A whole profile came up, with a photo of you as a seven-year-old with a gap toothed smile, and another that must've been from just before you were sent up into the Maze. It said you were 16 years old, (insert height) cm tall, et cetera. You scrolled down and read quickly:

Y/N, Subject A8, the Warrior.
Purpose: to protect W.C.K.D. property.
Adjustments: fighting enhancements, pain endurance (electricity exposure tests successful) and accelerated healing.
Additional Notes: Y/N has formed a romantic connection with Subject A5, Newt. This relationship will be allowed temporarily, although by no means encouraged.

There was an underline under Newt's designation and name, which you clicked on.

You gave an "aww" at his kid photo: an impish child with a smile of gold.

Newt, Subject A5, the Glue.
Purpose: to make sure that W.C.K.D. property becomes too attached to leave.
Adjustments: none.
Additional Notes: Newt and Y/N must be carefully observed - they may have to be separated if their relationship gets in the way of W.C.K.D.'s purpose.

You turned away from the monitor, looking up towards the ceiling to try and prevent tears from spilling down your cheeks. Newt stood by your side, staring at the screen in shock. He turned to say something, and then saw the salty tears running down your face. He pulled you in close to his side, giving you a soft, reassuring kiss.

"H-how could people be such m-monsters?" you sobbed. "H-how could they do these things to me - and how could they make me hurt you? I'm so- fuck, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologise for being tortured!" Newt exclaimed, one hand cradling your head. "And hey, at least your purpose was to protect us. Mine was ... to guilt you all into being good little subjects."

You leaned back and ran your fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face. "You know why I thought it was fitting, when I saw you were the Glue?"

"What?" his reply was barely audible.

You pressed your lips to his. You pulled back, and then whispered in his ear, "Because you keep us together. Because you keep me together."

Newt smiled softly at you. "And I will always keep you together."

You leaned your forehead against his. "I love you, Newt."

"And I love you, Y/N."

"Guys!" you broke apart at Thomas's shouts. "Come here!"

You gathered with the others, to see a blond woman who called herself Ava Paige speaking - a recording. You thought of how she may have been the one who would tear you and Newt apart if she had to, and your blood boiled.

She explained how the world had been consumed by the sun, how everything outside the Maze was a brutal desert called the Scorch, and how many people had been so badly affected by the Sun that it manifested in an incurable disease called the Flare. She also explained how you were all immune, and how the 'Maze Trials' were to work on extracting a potential Cure from them.

"You are the hope for the world," she explained. "And whatever they tell you, remember ..." she raised a gun to her temple. "WICKED is good."

There was a flash and a bang, and you turned away. You could see what you presumed to be her body lying on the floor near you, a gun in her hand and red splattered everywhere.

"Holy shit." Y

ou weren't sure who said it, but you agreed.

"Let's get out of here," you mumbled. "Now."


Every Glader whipped around at the sound of the pain-filled voice.

"Gally?" Newt stepped forward, but you gently placed a hand on his chest. Something wasn't right.

"You can't leave," Gally shook his head, his eyes glassy and tear-filled. His eyes ... what was wrong with his eyes? "No one leaves the Maze."

"G-Gally, what do you mean?" Thomas stuttered, looking around in confusion.

"Can't you see?" Teresa took a wary step back. "He's been stung."

You all flinched back at that information. You saw Minho carefully tighten his grip on a spear, and Chuck moved to a little behind you. You stepped in front of him - you wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

"Don't you understand?" Gally said slowly, as he raised his gun to level it at Thomas, who froze in shock. "We belong to the Maze, to WICKED. And you. Can't. Escape."

As Gally squeezed the gun tighter, everything seemed to slow down.

A shot fired off.

And Minho threw his spear.

Gally looked down at his chest, to the spear sticking out of it. He fell to the ground, slumping sideways. Newt looked stricken, and you squeezed his hand gently.

"Y/N," Chuck said in a strangely tight voice, and you looked down to see ...

"Chuck!" you cried as the younger boy fell to the floor, an awful, red bloodstain spreading across his shirt.

"No!" Thomas screamed, howled, really, falling to his knees by Chuck's side. "No, no, no, Chuck, please, please, you're gonna be okay- Chuck-"

Chuck held out something tiny and stained red to Thomas, choking on his blood as he begged, "Take it. Please, take it. Give it to my parents ..."

"No, Chuck, give it to them yourself," Thomas sobbed. You gently took the figurine from the younger boy, pressing it into Thomas's hands.

"T-thanks, Y/N ..." Chuck gave a sigh, and his eyes turned glassy, his focus moving to something beyond what you could see.

You turned into Newt's chest, sobbing into his shirt as he wrapped one arm around you, covering his mouth with the other so the cries wouldn't escape. Thomas clutched onto Chuck's shirt, giving the boy a few gentle shakes.

"Come on, Chuck!" he cried. "Wake up. Please, wake up!"

You turned suddenly, at the loud hiss of a door sliding open. You cried out as Newt was ripped from your arms, as people shouted all around you, yelling "Go! Go! Go!"

"Newt?!" you screamed. "Where are you?!"

"Y/N!" you could hear him cry. You ran towards the sound, leaping onto a helicopter. Newt's arms immediately encircled you and you sobbed in relied.

You stared around - at Fry, at Minho, at Teresa. Thomas was thrown onto the helicopter unceremoniously only moments later, his hands stained a deep red.

"Wait!" you cried. "We can't just leave Chuck's body there!"

"It's too late for him, honey," one of the masked men said, fiddling with his gun. You flinched away from him - you never wanted to see a gun again. Not after Chuck. "If you want to live, we have to leave now."

Not like you got a say in it, you thought as the vehicle lifted into the air.

You looked at Newt, and he opened his arms, letting you crawl into them. He ducked his head and let his lips meet yours, and as your mouth moved slowly against his, you felt all the comfort you always felt from simply being with him.

Everything wasn't okay - fuck, no.

But everything was just a little better in Newt's arms.

Just a little.

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