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"God, she's gotta be terrified," Thomas worried. "I hope she's okay-"

"Tommy, I'm sure she's fine," you assured him, looking upwards to where Jeff had led your group and giving a little noise of bemusement. "She doesn't need your help."

Minho followed your gaze, laughing as he saw the girl throwing things down at the boys. "She's like you."

"Nah," you retorted passively. "I ran away, remember?"

"Only cause Gally was being a shank," Newt argued. "Ow!"

Your boyfriend cried out as one of her stones hit his head. You picked up a nearby square of wood, which he held up in defence.

"Hey!" you yelled up at the treehouse. "Please stop throwing things! We're not gonna hurt you, okay?"

She hesitated, and then Thomas swept in with: "It's Thomas! Me and Y/N, the other girl here, are gonna come up, okay?"

She didn't protest, unsurprising given her evident subconscious trust of Thomas, so you kissed Newt on the cheek, climbing up the treehouse's ladder and pushing the trapdoor open-

"Shit!" you swerved back around to avoid getting your throat sliced open by her knife, which she pointed with an unwavering hand. "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear."

"Could you move up, Y/N?" Thomas grumbled from below you, nudging your leg.

"Gimme a sec," you rolled your eyes at the still-nameless girl, making a puppet with your hand and mouthing Thomas's words annoyedly, making the girl smile a little and suppress a laugh. You pulled yourself up, showing no sympathy when Thomas himself was almost beheaded by the girl.

"Whoa, easy!" he carefully raised his hands so that she could see he had peaceful intentions. "We aren't gonna hurt you."

"I'm Y/N," you introduced yourself quietly. "And this is-"

"Thomas," the boy interrupted you. You rolled your eyes at him, realising he just wanted to impress the girl. "But, uh- but you already knew that, huh?"

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?" the girl panicked.

"It's okay," you interrupting, shooting Thomas a 'don't-go-overwhelming-her-with-your-subpar-flirting-bitch' look. "It happened to all of us. This place is the Glade, and you're the second girl to come up, ever."

"Wait, so you were the only girl here?" the other girls asked. "In this place full of boys."

"Yeah," you laughed. "And all the boys kept trying to make a move on me."

Though it was a joke, you elbowed Thomas, making the boy turn crimson.

"Anyway," he cleared his throat as you laughed. "Do you remember your name?"

"... Teresa," she said after a hesitant pause.

"Nice to meet you, Teresa," you grinned at her.

"Is she coming down?!" you heard Gally shout from the ground. You peered over the edge of the treehouse, searching for the annoying shank. You finally found him standing next to Newt and Fry.

You flipped him off. "Give us more than two seconds, you motherfucking shank!"

"You heard her, you lot," Newt chuckled. "Back to work."

Gally scowled at you, and you shrugged at him, relishing his annoyance. You turned to Thomas and Teresa, who were deep in what sounded to be a profound conversation.

"They told me that I kept saying your name in my sleep," Teresa said. "But I-I don't know you, I'm sorry. I-I don't have any of your answers."

"Don't apologise," Thomas shook his head, pushing a strand of stray hair behind her ear. "Look, just because you were the last one, or you were special, doesn't mean you have to have all the answers, okay?"

"That boy that Y/N was flipping off," Teresa started. Thomas looked over his shoulder, arching his eyebrows like 'really, Y/N?'


"Yeah, him," she looked down at her feet. "He thinks everything is my fault."

"It's not," you promised. "And, hey, you should've seen his reaction to me?"

The other boy laughed. "I remember this story!"

Thomas modulated his voice in a pretty good impression of Newt. "Bloody hell, it's a girl! Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you."

Then he made his voice deeper to sound like Gally's. "Everything else is though."

He grinned at Teresa. "And then Y/N here punched him and ran to the forest there." His voice took on a British accent once again. "What the shuck, Gally?!"

Teresa laughed loudly. Then she sobered quickly. "By the way, these were in my pocket when I came up."

She held out two vials with blue liquid inside of them. They were stamped with the letters W.C.K.D.

"Hey," you took them from her hands, inspecting them. "These letters ... they're on all our supplies, and they were on that Griever key."

Teresa glanced between you and Thomas, obviously confused. Then, she flinched. "Ow. Ow. Ow, ow, ow, ow."

She clutched her head in pain, evidently distressed.

"What? What's wrong?" Thomas rushed to her side immediately.

"I- I think I'm remembering something ..." the other girl trailed off. "I ... I remember ... water. I remember water, and drowning, and one voice saying over and over again ... WICKED is good."

"WICKED," you murmured. "W.C.K.D. ... what if they're the same thing? And what if they're the creators?"

"You might be on the right track there, Y/N," Thomas agreed. "That's just another reason you, me and Minho should check out sector 7 tomorrow."

"I agree," you nodded. "I gotta get down there, but ... Thomas you can take Teresa on a tour?"

The other two nodded, and you gave an awkward thumbs up and quickly descended the ladder, running to where Newt and Minho were talking. You relayed the conversation to them, and Minho said he would get things ready for tomorrow. He ran off and you immediately turned to Newt.

"Can we go talk somewhere?" you asked.

Newt frowned, thinking. "Uh ... the Deadheads?"

You nodded and turned, running into the forest, Newt right behind you.

"What do you want to talk about, Y/N?" Newt asked.

You turned to him, and threw yourself at him, your lips colliding. He caught you securely, kissing back passionately, his hands in your hair and your arms clasped around his neck.

You broke apart, smiling, your noses still lightly brushing together.

"Not that I didn't love that," Newt joked. "But what was that for?"

"I-" you hung your head. "I'm sorry! I just feel like I've been really distant, and I do want to be your girlfriend but I also have so much work and so many responsibilities."

Newt leaned back, and he gently tilted your chin up to face him, forcing you to look right into his brown eyes. "Y/N, you don't need to apologise. I felt a little distant as well, but I still love you with all of my heart, okay? Never, never doubt that."

You let the touched tears roll down your cheeks as your lips met again. Softly, this time.

And in Newt's arms, all alone, he was all you really needed.

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